lz走5年t2路线,dependant续签满dependent visa下5年。
lz走10年路线,dependant转spouse,spouse visa下满5年。
319E. Requirements for indefinite leave to remain
To qualify for indefinite leave to remain as the Partner of a Relevant Points Based System
Migrant, an applicant must meet the requirements listed below. If the applicant meets these requirem
ents, indefinite leave to remain will be granted. If the applicant does not meet these requirements, the application will be refused.
(a) The applicant must not fall for refusal under the general grounds for refusal, and must not be an illegal entrant.
(b) The applicant must be the spouse or civil partner, unmarried or same-sex partner of a person who:
(i) has indefinite leave to remain as a Relevant Points Based System Migrant; or
(ii) is, at the same time being granted indefinite leave to remain as a Relevant Points Based System Migrant, or
(iii) has become a British Citizen where prior to that they held indefinite leave to remain as a Relevant Points Based System Migrant.
(c) The applicant must have, or have last been granted, leave as the partner of the Relevant Points Based System Migrant who:
(i) has indefinite leave to remain as a Relevant Points Based System Migrant; or
(ii) is, at the same time being granted indefinite leave to remain as a Relevant Points Based System Migrant, or
(iii) has become a British Citizen where prior to that they held indefinite leave to remain as a Relevant Points Based System Migrant.
(d) The applicant and the Relevant Points Based System Migrant must have been living together in the UK in a marriage or civil partnership, or in a relationship similar to marriage or civil partnership, for at least the period specified in (i) or (ii):
(i) If the applicant was granted leave as:
(a) the Partner of that Relevant Points Based System Migrant, or
(b) the spouse or civil partner, unmarried or same-sex partner of that person at a time when that person had leave under another category of these Rules under the Rules in place before 9 July 2012, and since then has had continuous leave as the Partner of that Relevant Points based System Migrant, the specified period is 2 years
(ii) If (i) does not apply, the specified period is a continuous period of 5 years, during which the applicant must:
(a) have been in a relationship with the same Relevant Points Based System Migrant for this entire period,
(b) have spent the most recent part of the 5 year period with leave as the Partner of that Relevant Points Based System Migrant, and during that part of the period have met all of the requirements of paragraph 319C(a) to (e), and
(c) have spent the remainder of the 5 year period, where applicable, with
leave as the spouse or civil partner, unmarried or same-sex partner of that person at a time when that person had leave under another category of
these Rules.