去年在国内注册结婚,丈夫是英国公民, 之前找机构申请 visiting family 的探亲签被拒,理由是既然你们都结婚了,为什么不把英国当做永久居住的地方?于是我只能咬咬牙考了A1, 申请配偶签证。这次我们在国内打了60万人民币的资金证明,我先生目前的工作是年薪2万三千英镑(今年4月以前的收入是2万英镑,4月1号起换了新工作)。这次配偶签证的拒签理由最主要就是资金证明。原文如下:
"You have chosen not to submit an Appendix 2 Financial Requirement Form with your application. From the document you have submitted it appears that you are relying on your sponsor’s income from salaried employment. Therefore, in order to meet the financial requirements of the Rules your sponsor needs to evidence a gross income of at least (欧元)18600。
Your sponsor does not appear to be exempt from the financial requirements as defined under the Rules. I am not able to take into account any potential employment you have available to you in the UK or financial support from third parties.
Appendix FM-SE states that any documentary evidence submitted in support of your application must be the original (not a copy) unless indicated otherwise in Appendix FM-SE. I have noted all of the documents you have submitted in support of your application. However, whilst I have noted what appeal to copies of your sponsor’s employment letter,bank statements and payslips, these copies have been poorly produced and do not display all of the relevant information. Regardless of this documents are only copies and no originals have been submitted as required by the Rules. I am not therefore satisfied that you meet the financial requirements of the Rules.
I have consider whether it is appropriate to apply evidential flexibility in your application and request that you submit any required specified evidence which is missing. However, as your application also falls to be refused on other points, I therefore do not consider evidential flexibility to be appropriate in this case.
Given the above, I am not satisfied that you meet the requirement of Paragraph EC-P.1.1…
我们没有意识到用打印出来的文件而没用原件是大错,他人在英国直接电邮给我的,以为只要是真实的就行没想那么多。不明白它说“You have chosen not to submit an Appendix 2 Financial Requirement Form with your application. From the document you have submitted it appears that you are relying on your sponsor’s income from salaried employment. ”是问题在哪?我有提供我个人名下60万人民币的资金证明。那是不是说我错在没有填这个 Appendix 2 Financial REquirement Form 呢? 除了我该把复印件换成原件之外,我的资金问题是错在哪,应该怎么样去准备?