
去年在国内注册结婚,丈夫是英国公民, 之前找机构申请 visiting family 的探亲签被拒,理由是既然你们都结婚了,为什么不把英国当做永久居住的地方?于是我只能咬咬牙考了A1, 申请配偶签证。这次我们在国内打了60万人民币的资金证明,我先生目前的工作是年薪2万三千英镑(今年4月以前的收入是2万英镑,4月1号起换了新工作)。这次配偶签证的拒签理由最主要就是资金证明。原文如下:

"You have chosen not to submit an Appendix 2 Financial Requirement Form with your application. From the document you have submitted it appears that you are relying on your sponsor’s income from salaried employment. Therefore, in order to meet the financial requirements of the Rules your sponsor needs to evidence a gross income of at least (欧元)18600。
Your sponsor does not appear to be exempt from the financial requirements as defined under the Rules. I am not able to take into account any potential employment you have available to you in the UK or financial support from third parties.

Appendix FM-SE states that any documentary evidence submitted in support of your application must be the original (not a copy) unless indicated otherwise in Appendix FM-SE. I have noted all of the documents you have submitted in support of your application. However, whilst I have noted what appeal to copies of your sponsor’s employment letter,bank statements and payslips, these copies have been poorly produced and do not display all of the relevant information. Regardless of this documents are only copies and no originals have been submitted as required by the Rules. I am not therefore satisfied that you meet the financial requirements of the Rules.
I have consider whether it is appropriate to apply evidential flexibility in your application and request that you submit any required specified evidence which is missing. However, as your application also falls to be refused on other points, I therefore do not consider evidential flexibility to be appropriate in this case.
Given the above, I am not satisfied that you meet the requirement of Paragraph EC-P.1.1…
我们没有意识到用打印出来的文件而没用原件是大错,他人在英国直接电邮给我的,以为只要是真实的就行没想那么多。不明白它说“You have chosen not to submit an Appendix 2 Financial Requirement Form with your application. From the document you have submitted it appears that you are relying on your sponsor’s income from salaried employment. ”是问题在哪?我有提供我个人名下60万人民币的资金证明。那是不是说我错在没有填这个 Appendix 2 Financial REquirement Form 呢? 除了我该把复印件换成原件之外,我的资金问题是错在哪,应该怎么样去准备?

sponsor 工资要求18600英镑(不是欧元),或者任何一方名下或共有存款62500英镑,无论工资还是存款,必须够6个月,换工作不够6个月的话,递交过去12个月的收入原件(payslips bank和statement),自雇的话材料更多些

You need to read the documents on HO very carefully, always submit the original documents!!! It is your fault, you didn’t understand the rules very well. If you are not sure, you should have gotten yourself a solicitor. You either use your deposit of £62,500 or your husband’s income as financial requirement. Apparently, you have messed up with the form and the case worker got confused. The most important thing is that you failed to provide supporting documents that meet the requirement of the HO! Luckily, your problem is easy to fix, read the guidelines very carefully, prepare the documents, and apply again. If you are not sure, get yourself a reliable solicitor. Good luck.


1,你存款有没有够6个月,如果够的话 不论你老公工资情况都应该是直接过的。
3,没有交APPENDIX这个文件,所以case worker并不知道用哪个category给你算,他自己如果找不全的话,就会被拒

最主要的问题是填表没有填好,然后没有给原件。。。。。 把这个俩做好了,你的签证没有问题的,工资和存款随便一个都够要求了。。。。


From the document you have submitted it appears that you are relying on your sponsor’s income from salaried employment.



看起来条件足够,但申请材料准备不齐整,到位 - 不满足Immigration Rules 里 ‘MUST’ 递交的材料 和规格 ,一定会被拒签的。
如果准备材料里有硬伤,上诉没用。建议重新准备材料 重新递交。一切顺利!

非常非常感谢各位的回复!让我们知道应该要做什么,很感动! 还想问问,我丈夫准备回国一趟,是不是可以让我丈夫跟我一起去大使馆提交材料呢?谢谢大家,找到大家庭了,心里很温暖。

谢谢回复,想请教下,这次交的个人资金证明,是国内银行开的那种标准式的双语定期存款证明(比如1月份存6个月的定期,就给我开“某人到7月为止有多少存款”这种),是不是还需要额外的银行流水单证明持续最近6个月都有这笔钱呀?签证官不会质疑说你这个定期了,不能取出来用吧 {:5_138:} 谢谢

谢谢回复。 就是说,我两者都选的话更好是吗?



你老公的雇主信工资单都是复印件而不是原件。。可以叫你老公拿原件,用DHL 寄给你。别用royal mail,当初我们寄个文件寄了1个月国内都收不到。DHL三四天就到了

亲 麻烦请教一下,我用存款申请,我和老公目前都生活在中国,老公在英国没有工作,这样不提供英国的工作合同的话,有可能被拒签吗?还有我们在英国也没有房子,如果租房子的话最少要6个月合同,担心万一被拒签的话悲剧了,所以可以让他父母写一封说明,住他们家吗?谢谢啦

可以让公婆提供住宿,写封信并且提交有公婆名字的bill证明他们确实在那里住。council tax,水电之类的。


