急!!!! 7月寄出的学生签,用了04/11的Form,UKBA寄信过来让我填新的Declaration!


Dear XXXX:
Thank you for your application for leave to remain in the United Kingdom as a Tier 4 (General) student, which I am currently considering.

However, I am unable to continue with my consideration of your application at present due to the fact that you submitted your application on the 04 July 2011 using version 04/11 of the Tier 4(G) application form.

Whist this is acceptable, in view of the new changes to the Tier4 (General) student immigration rules applied to all applications received on or after 04 July 2011, it is mandatory for you to complete the new student declaration. This declaration can be found in the new Tier 4 (G) application form (version 07/11), however, I have enclosed the appropriate pages for you to complete and return.

Please return the enclosed declaration to the address given below by the 20 September 2011 latest.


我昨天才收到的信,结果他要求我昨天就寄到…… 刚才我打电话过去UKBA了,和他们说了信的问题,他们说让我尽快寄过去就可以了,所以我今天必须寄出去。然年后就是那个Declaration的问题,他妈的信里面说附了给我,让我直接填了寄回去就行,但是信里面根本没有附,只附了一张绿色的小纸条,应该是寄回去的时候可以用的。我打电话的时候也问了这个问题,结果那边就只说一句,follow the instruction on the letter and send it back as quick as you can. 我下载了新的表,看到Part N就是Declaration, 应该就是一份声明,填个姓名日期,然后签个名就ok了? 但是我还是不肯定啊~~ 希望有高人早起的能帮我一下~~ 万分感谢啊!是不是只把Part N打印出来,填名字,然后寄过去就ok了?

可以去学校的international office问问,他们比较有经验
实在不清楚的话,就完整的填一份最新版本的application form,附上一个cover letter说明情况,让case worker需要哪个部分他自己取好了。

感谢您的建议啊~~~ 我把东西准备好了就跑去学校的international office让他们看了,他们确认没问题了,我寄出去放心多了~

哥们 我上次是无保险无照上路 上庭后罚了我150磅 你后来续签自己办的 还是找中介办的啊 最近我都急死了 要是自己办的 犯罪记录该怎么填啊

我自己办的啊~~~ 直接写就是了啊~~~ 如果你后来驾照办出来了,paper part上会写明你违规的code,你填上去就是了,如果还没有UK驾照,只是上过庭,那就随便写呗,上庭的时间你总记得吧? 然后内容你就写什么driving without valid licence and insurance就好了~~~ 这种一般不会怎么影响你的签证的,而且你老实填上去他们反而不会去查什么,反正看到就是了~~ 别担心
