請高人指點:關於讀博士不能超過8年這個規定的 ho連接

ho的tier 4 student 申請的網頁越讀越蒙,只能再次請教了,請高人們不要厭煩。

新增加的讀書年份限制里的8年時間限制應該做以下哪種理解:(1)以博士offer申請tier 4簽證的不能以讀博士的理由得到超過8年的簽證;還是說 (2)從本科,碩士到博士的學習時間總共不能超過8年? 可否給出ho規定的連接,我苦搜了一天沒有找到。

我之前在英國讀本科+碩士用了6年的時間,之後又跟隨丈夫以dependent身分在英國2年,想回國拿博士的offer申請tier 4 visa。 請問符合規定麽?多謝!

ho 规矩不知道



page 4

不是page 4,而是page 16,更详细些。
Students undertaking a PhD will not be subject to the time limit, but if they have eight or more
years leave as a student or in Tier 4 (General) on completion of their PhD they will not be able to
apply for further leave in Tier 4 (General).

Students who have already eight or more years leave as a student or in Tier 4 (General) from April 2012
will be able to complete their course, but not apply for further leave in Tier 4 (General) when that expires.




那就是說加上讀博士的visa,整個tier 4 visa的紀錄最多是8年?!我已經用了6年了,只有2年剩下了,但是phd肯定是至少3年。完蛋了。這回可咂整。。。


我看到page4 就停了,你能看到page 16。。。。

哪里,发现你说的page 4讲的是简介,就一目十行的往下拉,然后就在那里了。。。。:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:





我一开始和你理解的一致,但是看了john给找的这段:Students undertaking a PhD will not be subject to the time limit, but if they have eight or more
years leave as a student or in Tier 4 (General) on completion of their PhD they will not be able to
apply for further leave in Tier 4 (General) 我就又理解成读完phd也不能超过8年限制。。。

现在看了你的回复,又研究了一遍语法,貌似真是你说的这种,就是读完phd后tier 4年限大于等于8年,就不能再继续用tier 4身份继续学习了,但是读phd不受年限限制。。。


我又搜了一些关于tier 4 time limit 的信息找到以下连接,咱们可以一起研究下:
To help interpret these new rules below are some Cambridge study scenarios that seem achievable within this new time limit.

Studying Tripos, having never held a student visa
Studying an Integrated Masters, having never held a student visa
Studying one or two year Masters, having never held a student visa
Studying a PhD/EngD, having never held a student visa
Studying at Cambridge after completing a course below degree level in the UK (e.g. A levels, HNC, HND, CertHE, DipHE, Foundation Degrees (eg, FdA, FdSc))
Studying a three-year Tripos, after studying at degree level and above for less than two years on a student visa
Progressing to a one-year Masters, after completing a three year undergraduate course (on time), on a student visa
Progressing to a two-year Masters, after completing a three year undergraduate course (on time), on a student visa
Progressing to a one-year Masters, after completing a four year undergraduate course (on time), on a student visa
Progressing to a two-year Masters, after completing a four year undergraduate course (on time), on a student visa
Progressing to PhD/EngD irrespective of time already spent on a student visa
Progressing to a second one-year Masters, if time on student visa is less than four years




Some time limits were introduced on 6 April 2012 for degree level study. Any new Tier 4 application must lead to you spending no more than five years on courses at degree level. All time you have spent in the UK under Tier 4 (or as a pre-Tier 4 student) counts towards the 5 years, except for the short extra time you are given before the course (maximum ont month) and after a course (maximum four months).

There are some exceptions to the 5-year cap:

if you have successfully completed a UK degree course which was at least four years long, and your Tier 4 application is to study a Master’s degree at a higher education institution (recognised body or institution in receipt of public funding), the limit is six years.
if your Tier 4 application is to study a PhD at a higher education institution, there is no limit while you are studying the PhD.
if you have already completed a PhD, any new Tier 4 application is subject to an 8-year limit (including courses below degree level).
courses in architecture, medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine and science, or music at a conservatoire, are exempt from the limit.
if you have completed a UK degree, and your current Tier 4 application is to study certain legal qualifications (CPE, GDL/LPC or BPTC), the legal qualification is exempt from the limit

The UK Border Agency will not grant further leave to someone whose current Tier 4 application means they will exceed these limits, unless there are “compelling and compassionate circumstances”, such as injury or disability.


我要不要去做小白鼠,回国递签试验下呢?如果我现在回去申请tier 4,万一不成功,不知道现在还有的1年半dependent visa会不会受影响。


本科以上阶段,除了(1) Architecture; (2) Medicine; (3) Dentistry; (4) Law, where the applicant has completed a course at degree level in the UK and is progressing to: a. the Common Professional Examination; b. the Graduate Diploma in Law and Legal Practice Course; or c. the Bar Professional Training Course. (5) Veterinary Medicine & Science; or (6) Music at a music college that is a member of Conservatoires UK (CUK).以及PHD外,不能签学生签超过5年。



您提醒的这个“phd课程的结束”是否可以理解成提交完phd thesis完成答辩?也就是一般给phd的3年visa长度?

还想请教,我这个情况,如果现在回去中国申请phd的tier 4 visa,万一不成功,会不会对现在我持有的 tier 4 student dependent签证造成影响?我还能用现在的签证回来不?