请问这个适用于BuytoLet吧,怎么提供证明呢 ?
You’ll also need to provide evidence that your beneficial interests in the property are unequal, for example a declaration or deed.
If an unmarried couple chooses to purchase a property in joint names they would be advised by the solicitor to enter into a declaration of trust at the outset, including in what proportions they intend to divide the property on separation. 这种declaration 在买房时候,律师都会问你要怎么划分 beneficial interests (in shares)
what if married couple ? 需要找律师重新分配吗 ?
有两种方式,tenants in common , joint tenant
那种按股份买房是tenants in common ,买房时律师会让declare deed上每个人多少%,一方去世,另一方不自动即成死者的房产股份。
夫妻AB一起买房,一般走joint tenant。 双方的名字都在deed上,但是没特意说明谁占了多少股份,系统默认一人一半, 这种方式还可以让B方自动获得A方的股份如果A去世的话。
ps. 如果贷款买房,只有贷款人的名字才能出现在deed上。
你说的情况是JOINT TENANT,默认legal title and beneficial interests是50%和50%分。both names are on the deeds.
另有一种情况是Tenant in Common, 买房的时候律师会知道双方各自的份额是多少,不会因为一方的选逝而自动传承这个beneficial interests.