有没有这段时间访学签证 (academic visitor)转tier 2 dependent签证的朋友?

最近有没有访学签证 academic visitor 转tier 2 dependent签证的朋友。一年访学签证属于srandard visitor visa之列,目前了解由于疫情,8月31日之前普通的visitor可以不用回国可直接switch into a family or private life route,不清楚访学签证可不可以转tier 2 dependent。有没有人有过类似申请?谢谢大家。


If you intend to stay in the UK
If you decide to stay in the UK, you should apply for the necessary leave to remain in the UK. You’ll also be able to submit an application form from within the UK where you would usually need to apply for a visa from your home country.


If you intend to stay in the UK
If you decide to stay in the UK, you should apply for the necessary leave to remain in the UK. You’ll also be able to submit an application form from within the UK where you would usually need to apply for a visa from your home country.