如果有acca 或者aat这类证书的入籍,需要语言考试吗

去年底拿到永居,(没参加语言考试),我有acca的证书,老婆有aat的证书,都是去年夏天拿到的,需要语言考试吗?还是需要uk naric的certificate。谢啦

个人理解是The qualification must include speaking and listening 或者以下几种情况。AAT考试从 level 2开始是有语言要求的,不知道home office是否需要看和听说相关的证明。Acca如果楼主在英国考的可以写信去home office问问吧。如果不是在英国考的可以去认证以下。看看其他人怎么回答你。

English language qualifications used to demonstrate knowledge of language must be at Entry level 3, Level 1 or Level 2. The qualification must include speaking and listening and either:

be on the list of Secure English Language tests in Appendix O to the Immigration Rules; or
be a qualification listed as an ESOL qualification on the Ofqual Register of Regulated Qualifications and has been taken in England, Wales or Northern Ireland; or
be a National Qualification in ESOL at Scottish Qualifications Framework (SCQF) levels 4, 5 or 6 awarded by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) taken in Scotland.


谢谢你的回复,咨询过home office,说必须是academic qualification,只好去考了,呵呵也挺同情政府的,千方百计增加收入
