

There were works undertaken at the property for rewiring and installation of the electrical system that were completed in 2005. The seller’s solicitors do not have the Building Regulations certificate for this work that was carried out. It may be wise asking them to provide us with an indemnity policy for the lack of this document. Usually this would be a requirement for a mortgage lender. I understand that you are not acquiring a mortgage and therefore it is not a necessary requirement. Alternatively we could ask the sellers to service the electrical system.

想请问一下如果没有了这个certificate,如果我的买家需要贷款会影响以后的卖房吗?有什么办法可以补办吗?如果像律师说的重新service一下electrical system,假如以后我们卖房的时候是不是也可以这样给我的买家service一下,这个问题就解决了?谢谢大家了!!

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