房屋调查报告Building Survey Report的几个问题(可能有石棉)

首先Overall condition is relatively fair,这样说算是房子状况比较好了吗?

1.2.3 Internal Condition (Summary) 这里建议做石棉Survey,或确认房子建造年份。房主好像说过是1990年建的,是不是就不用担心石棉问题了?
We noted textured plaster (Artex) to the majority of the ceilings and we recommend this is tested to confirm
whether it contains asbestos or the exact age of the property is confirmed as this is a likely indicator. Defects
were noted to the sash mechanisms to many of the windows. Minor signs of condensation were noted and
we recommend that the means of ventilation within the property are utilised.
1.2.4 External Condition (Summary)
Externally we noted one significant defect to the windows, which require redecoration in the immediate
1.2.5 Services
The services were all operable at the time of inspection.

We did not observe any soil/vent pipes to the property. These likely run internally within the property.
We can not comment on the sections of waste pipes or the soil stack running internally or within ducts
and voids or its compliance with Building Regulations; therefore, we recommend that a certified plumbing
specialist includes this element in checking and verifying whether all elements relevant to plumbing are fully
working and in good condition and are compliant with Building Regulations standards in the immediate term,
prior to purchase and occupation.
还说要请 roof specialist, gutter specialist,

还有Cavity wall 的问题,

**We did not see signs of retrofit cavity wall insulation. You should confirm with your legal advisor whether
cavity wall insulation has been provided. Ordinarily,signs of cavity fill insulation are visible from the repointed
holes at the junction between perpend and bed mortar joints serving the brickwork.

然后Flood risk 是High,但是这套房子离河边不算近的。这个关系大吗?


石棉是天花板上的Artex 和我家的一样 问题不到 可以找人清理掉 这个不是大事

Roof 为啥需要specialist?是有啥问题么?roof修起来比较贵


Cavity wall 就看你怕不怕冷吧

房子新手的一点建议 仅供参考


报告建议说最好找 roof, flooring, 等几个不同的specialist看一下,但是又好像没有发现特别大的问题。

没有清 只要不钻孔 不渗水就没事 找人清也可以 清理artex不需要专业人士 找个builder都可以 但是他们还有另一个方法 就是打一层很厚的腻子 完全遮盖住 这个方法便宜

如果没发现啥问题就不需要请 房梁没腐没有被压坏一般没事我觉得

嗯。但是万一天花板开裂啥的就麻烦了对吧,或者要换灯。我还要做loft conversion。

天花板开裂肯定麻烦 但是一般不会开裂吧

换灯要看是否打孔吧 你如果做loft conversion也打算长期住就弄了吧 我估计一两千镑一个顶


有时候是在夹层里,因为他们改装时直接用新的PLASTER BOARD封装,你基本上看不见的。要么就是lartex的涂料里有,基本上没有什么大问题的。

其实这种调查报告现在看起来就是骗钱的。他们根本不会给你一个确切的答案都是模棱两可的。你买房子的时候如果对方已经做了墙体保暖的,他们有收据; GUTTER你从肉眼上可以看见的,只要在接口的地方没有水迹印基本上可以放心; 至于说VEN PIPE之类的,远点看房子顶上是否有,如果看不见,就有可能BOX UP(封装)在墙体或者房子里,基本上不需要考虑这个问题,除非你是买FLAT,有可能排风管不好是有可能的。
