请大神帮忙看下building survey

Building survey出来了,1890年的mid terraced house,看了几个论坛之前的帖子,感觉不是大问题?但我完全是个小白,所以还是想来问问。
Surveyor在出报告前给我打了个电话,总体就是这房子suffer from historic structural movement,买保险也会贵一些,以后出手的话,买家也会考虑到这方面。还有些damp, cracks的问题。
1) 这个房子没什么大问题,可以继续买?
2) 按照报告所说的维修的成本,可以和vendor要求降一些价吗?可以降多少呢

The property is a mid-terraced house believed to have been, originally, constructed circa 1890. The property has been adapted and modified over the years and does appear to be in fair condition, however, the property has suffered historic structural movement.
There are areas of general repair and maintenance that will be required at this property in the nearer future. These are very common issues with buildings of this age and style.

Category rating table (基本都是Category 2)
Item 1, Category 2, Budget cost £ 300.00 – 500.00 to upgrade flashing, not including any scaffolding.
There is an old cement flashing detail between the chimney and the main roof covering. This cannot be considered impervious to water penetration and would benefit from being upgraded.
There is evidence of staining to the brickwork around the chimney within the loft space. This indicates water penetration is occurring in heavy rain and upgrading of the flashing is recommended.

Item 2, Category 2, Budget cost £ 800.00 – 1,000.00 to carry out minor damp proofing works.
Slightly elevated damp meter readings have been taken to the front and rear of the building at ground floor level. This is very common with buildings of this age and style due to the property being of solid wall construction.
In my opinion, dampness has been caused by raised ground levels at the rear and any damp proof course in the wall being bridged at the front.
There is a strong possibility that gutters are leaking and oversailing which is allowing excessive amounts of water to discharge into the property in heavy rain and some general external maintenance and minor damp proofing works would be beneficial.
You may wish to have an independent damp specialist advise on any damp proofing to be carried out.

Item 3, Category 2, Budget cost £200.00 – 300.00 for CCTV drain survey.
here is no inspection chamber for the drainage system. This is believed to be located below the decking at the rear of the property. This is inhibiting detailed investigation of the underground drainage system.
I recommend a full CCTV survey of all underground drainage is carried out to ascertain the condition of the pipework below ground level.

Item 4, Category 2, Budget cost Obtain estimates.
There are large sections of cracked, damaged and loose plaster on the walls throughout this property.
The entire property has been historically replastered. This appears to have been undertaken to a fair standard, however, modern plaster will not allow for any flexibility. The original building is constructed with lime based mortar which will allow a certain degree of movement to occur. The differential movement between the walls and the plaster is causing this to lift and come away and some replastering works will be more apparent once the property is vacant.
There are hanging items and fitted furniture throughout this property and replastering works will be more apparent once the property is completely vacant.

Item 5, Category 2
The shower unit in the first floor bathroom is inoperative. This is full of stored items and has not been tested.
There is a very strong possibility that the shower unit is leaking and this needs to be overhauled, repaired or replaced.

Item 6, Category 2, Budget cost £300.00 – 500.00.
There is no extractor fan in the bathroom at first floor level. You may wish to have an extractor fan fitted.
There is no airflow within the loft space of this property. Consideration should be given to having ventilation levels in the loft space upgraded.

Item 7, Category 2, Budget cost £ 300.00 – 400.00 for minor brick repairs.
There is a section of loose masonry on the chimney within the loft space. This could be, potentially, dangerous and come away and brick repair should be undertaken.

另外,所有的 External Construction and Condition 和Internal Construction and Condition 都是Category 2


是我我可能对historic structural movement 会有点怕,尤其加上倒数第二张图。等懂的大神来分析

请问楼主做的Building Survey费用多少啊?



