Buy to Let 新的税收政策

大家看到下面的新税收政策吗?从2017年起buy to let 的tax relief 会减少很多,有没有哪位知道全面信息的可以和大家分享一下?

’Landlords will be able to obtain relief as follows:

in 2017 to 2018 the deduction from property income (as is currently allowed) will be restricted to 75% of finance costs, with the remaining 25% being available as a basic rate tax reduction
in 2018 to 2019, 50% finance costs deduction and 50% given as a basic rate tax reduction
in 2019 to 2020, 25% finance costs deduction and 75% given as a basic rate tax reduction
from 2020 to 2021 all financing costs incurred by a landlord will be given as a basic rate tax reduction‘


Tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooold - it was from the previous budget before the one a few days ago


对最高税率20%的人,需要交的税,4000x20% - 2000x20% = 400, This is for ever,新政不影响。

新政以前, 4000x40% - 2000x40% = 800
2016, 4000x40% - 1500x40% - 500x20% = 900
2017, 4000x40% - 1000x40% - 1000x20% = 1000
2018, 4000x40% - 500x40% - 1500x20% = 1100
2019, 4000x40% - 2000x20% = 1200


Landlords will be able to obtain relief as follows:

in 2017-18 the deduction from property income (as is currently allowed) will be restricted to 75% of finance costs, with remaining 25% available as a basic rate tax reduction;
in 2018-19, 50% finance costs deduction and 50% given as a basic rate tax reduction;
in 2019-20, 25% finance costs deduction and 75% given as a basic rate tax reduction; and
from 2020-21, and beyond, all financing costs incurred by a landlord will be given as a basic rate tax reduction.
In effect, deductions from property income will be restricted to:

75% for 2017-18;
50% for 2018-19;
25% for 2019-20;
0% for 2020-21 and beyond.
Individuals will be able to claim a basic rate tax reduction from their income tax liability on the portion of finance costs not deducted in calculating the profit.

Accoriding to HMRC guidance, in practice this tax reduction will be calculated as 20% of the lower of the following:

finance costs not deducted from income in the tax year (25% for 2017-18, 50% for 2018-19, 75% for 2019-20 and 100% thereafter);
profits of the property business in the tax year;
total income (excluding savings income and dividend income) that exceeds the personal allowance and blind person’s allowance in the tax year.
Any excess finance costs may be carried forward to following years if the tax reduction has been limited to 20% of the profits of the property business in the tax year.

这是不是说 Buy to let 几乎是没有什么利润可赚的罗!

没人说buy to let是为了赚钱的啊?

buy to let就是房东冒很大风险借很多贷款买个房子给房客提供住房,然后要为房客解决所有房子相关问题,收到到房租交中介管理费房子维修费交贷款利息,然后还要交税给boy george,交完所有的这些东西可能不剩什么了,在伦敦地区还有可能会亏。

所以就是说如果buy to let,应该弄个公司买就好了。
不然这样就纯粹按 租金 - 贷款 算,实在不划算。



好像以前看过一个公司跟个人buy to let的差别,但是不记得了。




hardly anything left after all fees and mortgage interest