

今天学校答复我说不能帮我加。 T-T) 刚刚去申请draw with course 然后退学费了|||

杯具… :cn03: :cn03: :cn03: :cn03:


:cn03: 不行…… 上周四面签去给拒签了,hold一周。
说是一定要在cas上标注academic progression……
然后我联系之前帮我申请学校的中介,中介联系学校后,学校帮我加了我在之前学校就读的信息,但是没有标明academic progression……
今天去签证中心说还是不行。 明确说基于120B,就是需要在CAS上标明现在的这个course是有academic progression基于之前那个course的。

:cn03: :cn03: 现在是哭都哭不出来了……





只要你开出你以前的学校的就读证明 这个是不会成问题的

:cn03: 不行…… 上周面签去给拒签了,hold一周。
说是一定要在cas上标注academic progression……
上周联系之前帮我申请学校的中介,学校帮我加了我在之前学校就读的信息,但是没有标明academic progression…… 今天去签证中心说还是不行。


现在是哭都哭不出来了…… 如果学校不加给我,新签证就办不下来了啊

  1. If a Tier 4 (General) student has a CAS that was assigned on or after 4 July 2011, and he/ she has previously had permission to stay as a Tier 4 (General) Student (or under the student rules that were in force before 31 March 2009), a Tier 4 Sponsor can only give the him/her a CAS for a new course if that new course represents academic progress from his/her previous study (for example the student will be studying for a new qualification at a higher academic level – for instance moving from a course at NQF 6 to one at NQF 7 -, or study at the same academic level that complements or enhances previous study at the same level). The only exception to this is where a Tier 4 (General) student is:
    • re-sitting examinations or repeating modules, or
    • making a first application to move to a new institution to complete a course commenced elsewhere

第二条的那个first application好像是指一个level…… 明天去问问




QwQ 我不是很懂,我明天去UKBA问问……



估计人家给你出示的policy只拿出了一整句话的一半,把only exception 给漏掉了,可是你就是这个EXCEPTION里面的要据理力争啊。拿着打印出来的policy,在这里下载http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/applicationforms/pbs/Tier4migrantguidance.pdf, 正文第11页第63条,把EXCEPTION用高亮标记出来,给他们看,让他们重新考虑你的申请。

继续等现在学校的开会结果…… 如果学校肯给我加是最好的。

不管怎样,明天去UKBA问我算不算在first application里面。我怕存在争议什么的。。。

你学校也挺为难的,根本风马牛不相及的东西,还非得出个证明是academic progression这都哪儿跟哪儿啊。

这样啊 不知道能不能说通…… 明天去问问看………………

学校这边绝望了。看样子不会帮我加的样子 :cn03:



学校之前帮我加的那个就是说知道我在之前那个学校就读MSC,并挂科。 没有指出progression。

电话咨询了下律师楼,说是这条是针对第一次申请的人的…:cn03: 迷茫了

Academic progression

If you have previously studied in the UK under Tier 4 (General) or under the student rules that were in force before 31 March 2009, your Tier 4 Sponsor cannot assign a CAS to you on or after 4 July 2011 unless:
your new course represents academic progress from your previous study; or
you are re-sitting examinations or repeating modules; or
you are making a first application to move to a new institution to complete a course that you started elsewhere.

For example, you can be assigned a CAS to study for a new qualification at a higher academic level than your previous UK course, or to study for a qualification that complements or enhances your previous studies at the same level.

我了解你的意思了。结合之前120B的那条一起看,就是说我这次是换了学校,所以可以不用标注academic progression。

但是你这次引用的这条单独看的话是说学校是不是能够发CAS给我。我是这么理解的:“your Tier 4 Sponsor cannot assign a CAS to you on or after 4 July 2011 unless:…”
我满足了学校发CAS给我的条件,但是CAS上没有标注academic progression。(因为这个条款没有说CAS上是不是硬性需要表明academic progression。)

我明天把你找给我的2条都打印下来去UKBA问下… :slight_smile: 谢谢你那么热心帮助我~


Academic progression
371. Since 4 July 2011, if you assign a CAS to a
student to take another course in the UK
after they finish one, it must be academic
progression from the previous course. This
applies whether the student is applying from
overseas or in the UK.
372. You do not need to show academic
progression if this will be the student’s
first course of study in the UK or you are
assigning a CAS for a student to complete an
existing course. For example, the student may
be completing a course with you that they
started with another Tier 4 sponsor.
373. To show academic progression the student’s
new course should normally be above the
level of the previous course for which we
gave them permission to stay in the UK as a
student. For example, if a student’s previous
course was at QCF or NQF6 (and equivalents)
we expect their next course to be at least at
level QCF or NQF7.
374. However, academic progression may involve
further study at the same level. In these cases,
you must confirm that the new
course complements the previous course.
For example, a student may be moving from
a taught masters degree to an MBA or
research-based masters degree, or taking a
course to develop a deeper specialisation in a
particular field.
375. Sometimes the further study may be at a
lower level but we expect these cases to be
rare. We may not question your confirmation
of progression, but we will closely monitor
the situation.
376. If the student is taking a further course in the
UK you must confirm that this is academic
progression in the ‘evidence provided’ box
on the CAS. When the course is at the same
level or a lower level you must justify this
as progression. When we visit you, we may
also ask you to show why it is academic
progression and how you assessed it.
377. If you do not confirm the student’s academic
progression on the CAS we will refuse the
student’s application. We will take action
against you if:
• you cannot show how you assessed the
progression, or we are concerned about
how you assessed it; or
• we find, after you have assigned a CAS
stating that there is academic progression,
that there is no academic progression.
这是对EDUCATION PROVIDER的要求,这个很详细了,它规定了甚至可以先上master后上bachelor,但要求类似的情况要控制数量,并且可能会接受调查。

when assigning a CAS for a student who has previously studied in the UK under Tier 4 (General) or as a Student prior to the introduction of the points based system you must give details of academic progression. You must ensure that the CAS you are issuing is for a course that represents academic progress from the previous study that the student undertook during their last period of leave as a student. The only exceptions to this are where you are issuing a CAS:
to a student to re-sit examinations or to repeat a • module; or
to a student who will make a first application • to complete a course with you where they commenced the course with another Tier 4 sponsor.


刚刚接到中介电话,说是学校愿意帮我加,11点左右加好。 中介也不知道学校最后会加成什么样子……
然后我再到 UKBA去问问这个加的是不是符合要求…………||||||