
近期想办理英国T2 General 签证。公司的HR说他们怕我没法通过CCAT这个考试。我研究了一下soft engineer需要23 - 40 分。这个考试真有那么难么?中国人会考不过一个只有900多道题的考试?

这个邮件就是对 CCAT的描述,完全搞不懂是什么测试。 另外我是在国内读书,本科计算机科学与技术是某北京211 学校。研究生是MBA 211+985 。

Process-wise, these would be the steps for a T2 general visa.

  1. Job description finalised and benchmarked, this then needs to be sent to Eversheds with the salary for them to align and classify - 1 week
  2. Recruitment to write an advert which Eversheds would review. For roles <£73k it would need to be advertised in Jobcentre Plus; above this salary would be on our website. The role needs to be posted for 28 days.
  3. During this time, BBBwould review candidates, assessing everyone in the same manner, and retaining all interview notes, giving clear reasons why any applicants are being rejected. AAA should also apply during this time, to be considered alongside any externals. The risk is that other suitable applicants do apply, and anyone matching the spec would need to go through the same interview process. Another consideration is the CCAT; as we require UK external applicants to complete this as part of the process, to demonstrate a fair and open recruitment procedure, we would need AAAto do this as well. I understand this is not yet ready to complete in Mandarin, and I believe the pass rate for Chinese nationals completing this in English has been pretty low, so there is a risk he would not pass
  4. If AAAwas successful, Eversheds would then request the Certificate of Sponsorship from the Home Office, these are done once a month by 5th, and we should get it by the 12th – i.e. by 5th July.
  5. Once we have the COS, Eversheds would assign it to AAA, and give him guidance in preparing the T2 visa application and AAAwould need to have a biometrics appointment– around 1 week.
  6. Process time for visa application submission to confirmation – 2-3 weeks

The main risks are that another very suitable applicant applies in which case we would have to have a very good reason why they would not be offered, and also the risk of AAAfailing the CCAT.






LZ 加油!!!!!

额 还不给我银子

Ccat what is that?

:L:L:L:L 要考这个????

这是对如何申请cos的描述,只在最后你过了ccat他们才能用这个条件拒绝欧盟和你水平差不多的人。有啥不懂的多用google搜索下,还有自己有空去home office下载个tier 2 general的guidance读读。英国给非欧盟人士办理工签下发cos的首要条件就是要证明这个工作没有任何一个来自欧盟的人更合适。
