




I have just asked someone who handle visa issues in a private college.

he said, the college should inform you when they report your course finished. and most importantly, the UKBA should write you a letter to inform you that your visa has been reduced until when and what they’re expecting you to do next. He even shown me a letter like that for one of his students.

he said, if you have not yet received a letter from UKBA, that means you are fine. But you should consider situation like, you did not received the mail due to mail lost during posting, etc. He suggest you to speak to a solicitor.

Furthermore, if you really worry about it, you can apply some 3 months course, such as business English (they have that in their college). Any students can apply for that even if you have got a degree already and it gives you 3 months visa, fees is £1000.

你学校说的没错 你不用担心 你的情况和我的一样 我是4个半月以后成功申请的psw 你没啥可担心的
我学校给我的说法你学校说的一样 UKBA对09年以前的签证都没有强硬的规定 只是建议毕业后4个月内申请psw就行 期间都不算非法拘留

你的校也没有错 他们没有责任通知你 我是在4个月以后才自己发现的 然后马上申请 没问题
之前也去问过学校 学校也说4个月没问题




学校刚刚给回复了 要我等明天

Dear Xi Chen
I understand you still have questions about your immigration status and have spoken to a number of my colleagues in askBU and your School.

I am in the process of contacting everyone who has dealt with your case, and I will send you an email tomorrow morning, explaining why you are in this situation and what your options are.

Before I send you a full reply, I want to make sure I have all the correct information.

If you would still like to meet with me after you have received and read my email, I would be happy to arrange an appointment with you.

Best wishes


那是你的课程提早结束或别取消 签证有效期大于半年的 你可以在英国可以呆60天 但是你在英国从新申请另一个学校 又是另一个cas的
你的是要申请psw 应该没有问题的

确实有60天的说法 但是仅仅是针对09年以后签证拿ID卡的人 他们拿学生ID的时候 有明确的说明必须在课程结束后的60天内申请新签证 老的签证自动过期
而我的是传统的贴在护照上的visa 所以不算 不再这个范围内 相信你应该和我一样


Dear Xi Chen

I understand that you spoke to Sandor about your immigration situation yesterday, and also to some of my colleagues today, as you are confused about your immigration situation.
This email is to clearly explain why you are in the situation you are at the moment, what Bournemouth University has told the UKBA and why, and what your options are.

When you were offered a place on your course
When you were offered a place on the MSc course in 2010, Bournemouth University issued you a CAS to allow you to apply for a Tier 4 (General) student visa.
Unfortunately, there was a mistake made on the CAS and the end date of your course was written as September 2012, instead of September 2011.
This was not noted by Bournemouth University or yourself.

The UKBA guidance is that students on degree level courses will be issued a visa for the duration of their course, plus an additional 4 months.
http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/applicationforms/pbs/Tier4migrantguidance..pdf The table in paragraph 83 on this student Tier 4 Guidance clearly explains this.

As your CAS stated that your course end date was September 2012, you were granted a visa until January 2013. When you received your CAS, you did not question why your CAS had the wrong end date on it.
If your CAS had stated the correct course end date, you would have been only given a visa until January 2012.

When you enrolled on your course
When you enrolled on your course, you knew that the course duration was only 12 months, but you did not question, during your course, why you had been granted a visa for an extra year.

When you completed your course
I was informed by your programme administrator in December that you had completed your course. Because this was much earlier than the expiry date of your visa, it is a legal requirement that Bournemouth University reports this to the UKBA. The reason for this is that anyone with a student visa must only be in the UK to study, and if they stop studying, then they should switch visa or leave the UK. When I emailed you to explain that I had reported your course completion to the UKBA, I did not know that the CAS had been issued for the wrong length of time, and assumed that the reason your course finished 1 year earlier than the date on your visa, was because you had chosen not to do a work placement.
I had not realised that the MSc course you studied did not have the option of a work placement.
Therefore, you have not missed the chance of doing a work placement during your course, because the course you studied does not offer a work placement.

Bournemouth University’s UKBA responsibilities
Bournemouth University is a Tier 4 sponsor. That means that as well as being able to recruit international students, we need to tell the UKBA if a student completes their course earlier than the end date noted on the CAS. This is why I reported you to the UKBA. I did not report you because you have done something wrong, only because this is the correct procedure.
There is no clear information from the UKBA about how quickly they will curtail (this means cut short) your visa. Your visa was given to you by the UKBA so it is for them to process my email to them. This is the reason why I am not able to confirm when your visa will be curtailed
I can confirm that until the UKBA decide to curtail your visa, your current Tier 4 (G) student visa is valid.
You have said that it was Bournemouth University’s responsibility to let you know what the immigration rules are. However, it is your responsibility to make sure you understand the immigration rules that affect you, during your time in the UK.

Your Tier 1 (PSW) issue
I understand that the reason you want to know when your visa will be curtailed is because you want to apply for a Tier 1 (PSW) visa.
The UKBA requirements of this visa are that you have £800 in your bank for 3 calendar months. You have explained to me that you only put the money in your bank account on 22nd December 2011, so you will not be able to apply for PSW until 22 March 2012.

Having the correct money available for PSW is your responsibility, and if you knew that you wanted to apply for PSW, and you knew when you submitted your dissertation, when your course had finished and when the results were going to be published, you could have been organised and put the £800 in your bank back in September. If you had done this, you would be able to apply for PSW this month. Information about PSW is available on our website, and also on the UKBA website:

According to the UKBA rules, if you try to apply before you have the money in your bank for the 3 months, your visa will be refused by them. So I advise you not to try to apply early

What you can do now
I understand that you are in a difficult position. However, although the reason that your visa may be curtailed by the UKBA is because we noted the wrong end date on your CAS, if we had noted the corrected date on your CAS, your visa would have expired this month. So you have not lost anything.
Therefore, you still have, as I explained in my first reply to you, 2 options:

  1. Leave the UK
    If you do this, you would probably not be able to apply for Tier 1 PSW from outside the UK, because under the current UKBA rules you would need to show you have had £2800 in your bank for 3 months. As you know, the current rules are going to change and the PSW visas will not exist from April 2012.

  2. Stay in the UK
    You need to wait until 22 March to apply for Tier 1 PSW. If you are lucky you will be able to apply for PSW on 22 March. IF you are unlucky the UKBA will curtail your visa before 22 March. When they curtail your visa, they will contact you and you will need to leave the country soon. The UKBA should give you the right to appeal this decision.

You must decide for yourself which option is take. I cannot advise you which of these 2 options you should choose. You asked one of my colleagues if you should hire an immigration solicitor. This would need to be your choice and I cannot advise you if you should do this. They can be very expensive. If you decide you want to do this, we do have details of an immigration solicitor that other students have used in the past, and I can send this over to you.

If after reading this email you have any other questions, please let me know and we can arrange a date and time to meet

