贷款credit check没通过,如何增加信用记录?

我和我先生去年6月中来的英国,他是5年的T2签,我是dependant visa。现在我们俩想买房,去Halifax申请批复下来说credit check没通过,因为查不到我们什么credit history:
"The main reason for this is when they have carried out a credit search against you they have not been able to located any credit history record for you on the credit file systems. It’s not that you have a ‘bad’ credit history, it’s just you have not built one up yet. "


现在我的问题是除了上面那条建议,如何才能在这个信用系统当中增加信用记录呢,我们在HSBC有开联名账户,作为我先生的工资卡,还申请了American Express的信用卡,用了大概10个月了,还有其他办法增加我们的信用吗?



可以考虑hsbc也申请一个信用卡。信用卡每个月还full balance,每个月用的数额不要超过credit limit的50%。

另外手机合同也可以build credit history。




我们最近买房也是遇到了一样的问题,楼主可以去Experian 上注册一下,随时观察自己的credit,我现在天天刷信用卡,就是不知道信用什么时候会上升 {:5_145:}


barclaycard免费给用户提供免费Experian Credit Score,详细影响分数标准如下,看来我得需要去关闭几个不用的信用卡账户了

Reduce your overall credit

If you have several credit accounts and are using a high proportion of the credit made available to you on these accounts, this can decrease your Experian Credit Score
Be patient if you have a CCJ or Scottish Decree

A public record is a County Court Judgment (CCJ) or Scottish Decree, a bankruptcy order or an individual voluntary arrangement (IVA). If you have any of these, your Experian Credit Score and chances of getting credit are likely to be low, and it may take at least 6 years for your Experian Credit Score to fully recover. The only thing you can do is to wait, and in the meantime, manage your finances carefully and make sure you are paying back existing debt on time e.g within the agreements you have set up with any lenders.
Avoid missed or late payments

Late payments can be a sign you are struggling to pay back the money you have borrowed. Lenders are less likely to offer credit to people who regularly miss payments. Late payments will affect the Experian Credit Score for 6 months from the date they were eventually paid. You may want to consider setting up Direct Debits as one way to avoid missing payments.
Close unused accounts

It is better to have fewer, well-managed accounts, and long-standing accounts with good histories.
Do not let your credit card balances get too high

Lenders will look at the amount of credit that you have used and may take this into account when assessing whether you are likely to be able to manage any further credit. If your balances are too close to your credit limits, it can be a sign of financial over-commitment.
Remember to keep up with repayments and pay on time

Stay within the agreed credit limits and make necessary monthly repayments in full and on time, paying more than the minimum off your credit cards each month if you can. Missed and late payments stay on your credit report for at least six years and may result in lenders regarding you as a higher risk.
Don’t open too many new accounts

The Experian Credit Score is a reflection on how lenders would score you if you were to apply for credit now. However, too many new accounts can be a sign you are living off credit rather than your income or that you could have too many debts so you should also be aware that new accounts will negatively affect your Experian Credit Score for around 6 months.
Credit history

Having older accounts can be a sign you have been managing your credit well for a long time. Lenders prefer to lend money to people who have proven they can manage credit. If the average age of all your accounts is low (e.g, your accounts are mostly quite new) the Experian Credit Score could go down. Therefore, you may wish to consider that keeping accounts open for longer could see your Experian Credit Score increase.
Missed or late payment

Late payments can be a sign you are struggling to pay back the money you have borrowed. Lenders are less likely to offer credit to people who regularly miss payments. Late payments will affect the Experian Credit Score for 6 months from the date they were eventually paid. You may want to consider setting up direct debits as one way to avoid missing payments.
Register to vote at your current address

Lenders use the Electoral Roll (electoral register) as a precaution against fraud, to check that you live where you say you do. If you do not think you are registered to vote, please contact your local council.
Space out credit applications

A lender will likely check and leave a credit application search footprint on your credit report each time you apply for credit. Space out your credit applications and limit making several applications close together, as too many in a short space of time could be a sign of financial stress to lenders, or even fraud.
Close any accounts you no longer use

Having settled accounts shows lenders that you manage your finances responsibly, so make sure that you close any accounts once you no longer need or use them. Having no settled accounts on your report could decrease your score.
Impact of applying for credit

When you apply for credit, a lender will check your credit report to help them decide whether to lend you money, or give you a new credit account. This credit search will be registered on your report and could reduce your Experian Credit Score. This is because lenders are cautious of giving people access to money if they look as though they are in a somewhat urgent financial situation. They may be less likely to lend to that person because they are less confident that they will be able to pay back the money within the agreement.
Pay off and close accounts

If you have a large number of active credit accounts, this could decrease your Experian Credit Score. Lenders also look at the number of accounts you have successfully closed. It is classed as ‘successfully’ closed if you have paid off and closed the account in line with the agreement the lender gave you. Paying off and closing accounts successfully increases your Experian Credit Score because lenders like to see that you have a history of good account management and that you are able to meet your commitments.

关闭信用卡帐户是很positive的,但reduce credit limit有可能是negative的。

有几张信用卡的balance transfer利率是永远0.99%,所以很多年欠的钱都没有还每个月minimum payment,因为平时不用这种信用卡就把credit limit给降低了,然后一查credit score发现降低了,后来才搞明白怎么回事情,credit limit高没关系,但信用卡花费不能超过credit limit的50%,这样才能说明有credit但不需要用到credit。



总数最好不超过credit limit的一半。