
准备申请配偶签 走的是自雇但是CT600 2018年度的还没有到 要等到今年九月份才能给,请问这种情况怎么办?

前两年平均,或者THE MOST RECENT? 18/19没弄好,那就17/18,另外注意财年必须是4月-4月

谢谢 你说的财年是针对business account 还是personal account?因为我这边的对公账户不管是tax year还是financial year都是12-12,所以你说的是personal account需要上交的材料吗?



谢谢 我就是看的9 但是我们的情况是director of a specific limited company 不是self employment 是不是就不需要按照 4-4财年做准备?

如果你是DIRECTOR of a specific limited compan公司的年帐CT600是不用4-4,

For those employed as a director or other employee (or both) of a specified limited company in the UK, the relevant financial year(s) will be that covered by the Company Tax Return CT600 and corresponds to the 12-month accounting year of the company.