大神快进,关于等待签证时的D2 leave

大神快进,求个法律知识:在英上交并等待签证(或者签证被拒并及时上诉)的过程中,根据移民法给申请人自动延续的leave to remain是叫D2 什么的吗?

就是在英申请新签证或者是申请被拒并及时要求上述的等待过程中,由于先前的签证已经过期,理论上这个时候是被自动延续了某一个leave to remain,从某某act上来的, 只记得有个D2神马的 {:5_134:} , 或许就是那某act里面的某D2条款。 懂得起这个线索的法律达人请冒个泡,或者纠正谢谢! {:5_137:}

看来只有自问自答了!在网上淘股了阵子,翻出了个官方文件(直接Google:3c and 3d leave - gov.uk,出来一个PDF,2015 4月更),有需要的xdjm都可以参照一下!主要适用于证明签证的连续性,比如申请十年永居。


3c: Section 118 of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 added section 3C to the Immigration Act 1971 to prevent an applicant from becoming an overstayer by extending their leave while they are:
• awaiting a decision on an in-time application, or
• exercising a right of appeal against the refusal of such an application.

3d: Section 11 of the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006 added section 3D to the Immigration Act 1971 to prevent a migrant from becoming an overstayer while they are exercising a right of appeal against a decision to curtail or to revoke leave to enter or remain (where that decision leaves them with no leave).
When leave to enter or remain is curtailed or revoked, section 3D extends it while an appeal against that decision can be brought or is pending.
For more information on overstayers and curtailment of leave, see related links:
• Applications from overstayers (non family routes)
• Curtailment of leave.
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