
查了UKBA网站关于switch to T4 within UK的部分,但是不太理解’if you have, or were last given’这句。
我家GG现在是PSW dependent要转T4,但他06年到09年在英国是学生签,09年到11年是PSW,那属于下面这个category的’were last given’这种情况吗?
但这条例最后也写了‘If you are currently in the UK in any other immigration category, you must leave the UK and apply for a Tier 4 (General) visa from your country of residence.’


Can you switch into the Tier 4 (General) student category? Close
You can switch into Tier 4 (General) without leaving the UK if you have, or were last given, permission to stay in one of the following categories:

Tier 1 (Post-study work)
Tier 2 (General)
Tier 2 (Intra company transfer)
Tier 2 (Minister of religion)
Tier 4 (Child)
prospective student
student (under the rules in place before 31 March 2009)
student re-sitting an examination
student nurse
students writing up a thesis
student union sabbatical officer
work permit holder
postgraduate doctor or dentist
Science and Engineering Graduates Scheme
International Graduates Scheme
Fresh Talent: Working in Scotland Scheme
If you are currently in the UK in any other immigration category, you must leave the UK and apply for a Tier 4 (General) visa from your country of residence.

你家那位的last given 就是他现在的 dependent visa.


