求助各位大神,Dependent转Tier 2被拒已上诉!!!!!!

雇主有Certificate of Sponsorship !!!也申请到了 Restricted CoS一切都好!!!
Caser Worker发邮件跟雇主确认Labour Market Test时间问题!!!奶奶个熊这个Caser Worker名字叫Mohammed Ruslan呀!!!!!也木有什么Home Office后缀呀!!!!!!!这邮件直接就进雇主的SPAM MAIL了呀!!!!雇主还以为骗子呢发现已经很久以后了!!!



想问各位大拿!!!!!!!!!!!!这种本身Caser Worker执行不算有错,可是是第三方科技原因导致的信息沟通不畅!!!算啥!!!!!!!!申诉了!!!!他们能理我吗?能懂我焦灼的心灵吗?????胜诉可能性大吗?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!一遍做出了所有的尝试一遍哭了几次啊!!找工作不容易啊!!有个好雇主也不容易!!求求你们救救我!!!!!!!!!!!!:cn03:


这种惊叹号罕为少见了, 是■■的后代。 待鉴定。





Calm down! dear! It should be fine! If it’s yours, nobody can take it away!



你是T2 dependant还是英籍dependant?T2上面可在英国办签证那个list上并没有提到Depandent visa啊,建议楼主再看一遍。。

这个真的木有问题的呀,要符合Minimum Salary然后还要过labour market test申请限制性名额的呢。限制性名额都成功的申请了,如果当时都不能在英国申名额内政部就不会批给我啦

只有Tier 4 的dependent才能在境内转, 其他不行。也许拒签是因为这个原因呢,也许HOME OFFICE 刚发现这个问题,觉得之前发cos已经错了,所以随便找个理由给你拒了呢。。。

  1. Switch to this visa

You can apply to change (‘switch’) from another visa to a Tier 2 (General) visa.

You should apply before your current visa expires.


You must already be in the UK under any of the following visas or schemes:
Tier 1 visa
Tier 2 (Sportsperson) visa
Tier 2 (Minister of religion) visa
Tier 2 (Intra company Transfer: established staff) visa and you’re applying to change sponsor
Tier 2 (Intra company Transfer) visa under the Immigration Rules in place before 6 April 2010 and you’re applying to change sponsor
Tier 4 visa, or you’re on another kind of student visa - read ‘Switching from a Tier 4 visa’ below
Tier 5 (Temporary Worker - Creative and sporting) for a job as a professional footballer and you meet the Tier 2 (Sportsperson) requirements
Highly Skilled Migrant Programme
Innovator Scheme
Fresh Talent: Working in Scotland Scheme
International Graduates Scheme (or its predecessor, the Science and Engineering Graduate Scheme)
Business and Commercial work permit (except multiple entry work permits)
Sports and Entertainment work permit (except multiple entry work permits)

You can also switch to a Tier 2 (General) visa if you’re:
a dependent partner of someone with a Tier 4 visa
a Jewish agency employee
operational ground staff of an overseas-owned airline
a minister of religion, missionary or member of a religious order
an overseas qualified nurse or midwife
writing up a thesis
a postgraduate doctor or dentist
a representative of an overseas business
a representative of an overseas newspaper, news agency or broadcasting organisation
a student union sabbatical officer

You must leave the UK and make your Tier 2 (General) application from abroad if you’re not in any of these categories.

亲耐的我就是Tier 4 的dependent。。。。

这个我都研究过啦。这个是没问题的之前所持就是tier 4的dependent

T4 学生的dependent 可以境内转,我们还以为你是T2 dependant呢自己要说清楚啊

要是T2 dependent, 可以直接工作,根本不需要转工签了

同意不能境内转的意见,文件说的很清楚,You must leave the UK and make your Tier 2 (General) application from abroad if you’re not in any of these categories.