
更新一下,重新申请了Halifax,找的broker. 这次什么材料都不提交,要的才给。3个月bank statements, pay slips,先审核通过再做valuation, 做完valuation 1天被通知拿到正式offer, 预计周末收到。
提醒一下,如果找的mortgage advisor看上去不是很聪明又要很多材料,一定要换人。她还说我们不能再申请Halifax了,broker说肯定没问题,很快就申请下来了。

申请的Halifax 的,周二给了mortgage advisor我们所有的材料,包括
6个月银行账单(我想起来了,她要求的6个月,我们提供了12个月的。 )
但是,那个mortgage advisor说要把材料给underwriter看,如果确定可以贷给我们再收钱之类的,说下周2给结果。我们在6个月的银行账单上标注了每一笔资金来源,比如是父母,姐姐,姐夫,并且跟mortgage advisor解释因为国内换汇限制的原因。
结果今天mortgage advisor说她自己决定把我们拒了,因为她认为资金来源无法解释。还在系统里写了note说为什么拒绝我们,因为她个人觉得资金来源有问题。我们连找父母在国内银行开证明的机会都没给我们。

按照这个mortgage advisor的说法,大概是两个方面造成贷款不成功

她的建议,我们申请hsbc,不要提愿意remortgage,她认为由于我老公是hsbc 9年的客户并且有9万镑在里面存了超过1年。


本以为简简单单是事情,每个月工资单,银行账单都很规律,提供了1年的所有银行的账单,工作证明,p60,还要父母在着手gift letter已经去银行开汇款证明,连正式提交都没有就说不行,还留个记录。我都不知道她怎么想的,给underwriter发邮件提资金来源无法查证。


Halifax都申请不到???其他更难了。资金来源关mortgage adviser什么事啊,律师才会管呢。mortgage adviser只看工资收入啊。

我们用的natwest,比halifax贷的多,而且资金只要一个父母出示的gift letter就行了,一周就批了,所有材料提供三个月。

更新一下,刚才仔细跟mortage advisor谈了一下,她说是underwriter拒的,原因大概两点
第二,我们说如果觉得资金来源有问题,我们愿意remortgage 已有的一套房子,我们这样说也是想顺利一些,因为deposit里有一半已经在我们的银行存了超过1年。
这两点导致他们认为资金来源有问题。并且还说不能申请Halifax 和llyods这两家的贷款了,因为有记录。

和我在halifax遇到的情况差不多。向我要各种deposit资金证明。提供了以后也不回话,被他们耽误了一个月的时间。后来换了中行,只要一个deed of gift,三天解决问题

这个ADVISOR感觉好蠢啊… 速度换个BROKER是正经.

我们也觉得她经验不足,哪有直接写无法提供资金来源证明的呢。而且我老板写的工作证明她也不认可,自己邮寄reference form给我老板,问题是她只写了老板名字和学校名字,连哪个部门的都没写!到现在老板还没收到。



楼主说“如果确定可以贷给我们再收钱之类的” 是要自己付advisor佣金?还是人家两边赚??

她说的付钱是指survey的fee和production fee.我们在还没正式提交就已经被拒了,还留了一个记录。AIP在他们家早就拿了,这还不到正式提交就拒了。那个advisor是不是故意害我们的,居然直接写资金来源无法证明!credit check都没做。她说halifax和llyods 都没戏了,一个系统。建议我们申请hsbc,因为我老公是hsbc 9年多的用户,有9万镑在里面存了超过一年。都不知道该不该再信她。




Your mentioning ‘remortgaging’ your other property which is not on mortgage sounds like you’re planning to take out a home equity loan.

If you do take out the loan, it will be considered a debt/liability which, from the mortgage lender’s perspective, will affect your ability to repay the mortgage (if the loan hasn’t been mentioned when you applied for AIP).

thanks for your reply. so what do you suggest?we are just afraid if we use all the deposit we have, the bank will dig for more proof, like 1 year’s bank statements from our parents ect…

她是怎么知道你老公在HSBC 有9万存款?


If the lender thinks you’re going to take out another loan they will have to calculate how much they can lend you based on your ability to repay taking the mentioned loan into consideration.
If you’re going to apply afresh with another lender, remember to include this when you do the calculation yourselves before applying for AIP. It will give you a better idea on how much you’re likely to be able to borrow with the loan.

It may be worth your while to find a home equity loan provider before applying for the mortgage (since the mortgage application will be partially based on your known monthly outgoing) ------ if you REALLY are going to take out the loan;
It would be wise not to mention the loan at all ------ if you don’t have to use it and there are good reasons for you to decide against it.

Remember if your other property is being let out, the rental income can be considered part of your monthly income as well.

As to your deposit there (edit) hasn’t been enough information to suggest anything. Perhaps as others have mentioned, different lenders have different approaches.
I’m not a professional. This is just my 2 cents.

Thanks for your reply again. Sorry I did’t make it clear at first. We’ve got AIP for remortgage the other house a month ago from Halifax as well. At first we thought my salary wouldn’t count so we just got AIP in my husband’s name, and AIP for remortgage the other house. The house has been rented out for 14 months now and the rent were counted as income. Then before we apply we find out that my salary can be counted and we got more deposit from from our parents that’s why we decide not to remortgage.

About the deposit, it’s about 50% of the house price, more than 1/3 of the deposit we have is in the bank for more than 1 year.

Thanks again for your advice.