Did i need ATAS certificate or not?????

Hi there, in Uni, can’t type chinese.

I am a phd final year student, i start my phd few years ago. When i apply for student Visa (not tier 4) within UK. I did not provided ATAS certificate, and last month, i need to extend my visa. So i provide all the information and send the application, since not sure i need the ATAS or not, so i told them i will provide it later. I have applied for ATAS more than 1 week, still not hear anything from them. Not sure will they give it to me or not, what should i do, should i tell home office? Can anyone tell me, what can i do next? cheers.

You can check if you need an ATAS for apply a visa extension by visiting: http://www.fco.gov.uk/en/about-us/what-we-do/services-we-deliver/atas/who-atas/

the website is so confused, it said, when you apply for you research course, if they dont need it, they wont need it now, or if you are in writing up, you dont need it, but some time you need it when you extend your visa…

I should say it sounds like you confused yourself. The key factor which determine whether you need ATAS is your subject/research area.

check the sub-section of the webpage which I have already provided you : http://www.fco.gov.uk/en/about-us/what-we-do/services-we-deliver/atas/who-atas/phd-or-other

[b]'2. Does your subject JACS Code begin with any of the codes listed below?
Yes: You must apply for your ATAS certificate before you apply for a visa or extension of stay.

No: You do not need to apply for an ATAS certificate.’[/b]