Do I need to pay to landlord if I'm letting out my lease hold flat?

Hi everyone,

I wish to check if I purchase a lease hold flat to let out (buy to let), do I need to pay the landlord/management company (or anyone else) some fee in order to do let out the flat? Do I need to let them know who lives in the flat and when the tenants living in it are changed? Is any of the above compulsory? Many thanks!!!


物业费和地租由房主承担。租客承单council tax和水电气费

不知道你是不是在问underletting deed? 很多 Freeholder 要求你告诉,还要求加条款到合同中去,并且收admin fee。但是,很多人说不用管……


这个fee应该在lease里面说了,买房子的时候一般都会看到,一般就是个几十镑的administration charge,如果比较多,那你需要研究lease里面如何说的。

有个叫Simarc的公司作为很多freehold的agent,他们费用都要小300…… 包括出租确认合同,换房主,好黑啊!


It’s more than that. And they request further fee every time tenant is changed or tenancy renewed
I have not seen the lease actually… Will the solicitor have it? I just signed for transferring the lease without seeing the actual lease…


share of freehold的flat呢?也要交这个admission fee吗?顺便问一下

