关于申请 Doctorate Extension Scheme 的时间问题?

我的理解是,他们要求在phd的最后交论文或者是你phd course的结束日期前 2个月内申请。但是我看也有人说是在viva以后申请。一般viva是在课程结束后的日期对吧。我就很迷惑,到底该什么时候申请?

我你们学校student service问一下,我以前的经验是,学校告诉我必须viva结束,而且知道结果才能开始申请,如果是小改,不用改的话,就可以直接申请了,要是倒霉大改,就另当别论了,。。。学生签证续签

那就是说,上面说的course end date 不是第一次交论文的时间,是viva以后最后交论文那个时间咯?

每个学校不太一样,但是之前我们学校是这样的,course end的时间是你的最终提交论文的时间

在viva之后,提交最后的论文前提交申请. 我当初也打算申请,一些材料需要的时间比较长,我就在viva前开始准备材料了,动作一定要快.

只要你Viva是minor correction,你第二天就可以去问学校开信,说你PASS VIVA 拿到minor correction, 学校会给你一个新的cas number. 你就可以申请了,不用等到最终的submission.

viva之后, final submission之前

我们学校的course end date是你的viva之后examiners approve了你的修改后,交最后那个版本的那天。在course end date之前两个月申请visa才行。

In order to apply for the DES, an application must be made within 60 days of the expected end date of your course. This expected end date can only be accurately calculated once a viva has been set and a student is informed whether they have major or minor corrections. If major corrections are required that will take longer than 60 days and a visa is due to expire during this time, students are required to apply for further Tier 4 Student (not DES) leave to complete their PhD. It is not possible to apply for the DES once a student has already 学校国际办公室,给的解释。也许各个学校也有不同的要求吧


你交了论文以后,你的status是waiting for graduation. 不再是student了。我当初是在快交论文的时候就开始申请ATAS,这个需要时间比较长,其它的材料都比较简单,唯一费事的可能就是学校出cos了。 你的所以材料必须在你viva之后,必须是好于minor correction的决定, 才有资格申请这个签证。下面是当时我从学校资讯来的信息。我后来在法国找到了postdoc职位,就没有申请,因为这个签证跟学校挂钩,你要定期跟学校报备你的情况,一旦你找到新的工作,或者离开英国较长时间签证就作废了。不同学习哦啊可能会有细微差别。我觉得最保险的就是问学校管这个的人。

Please find below FAQs which might answer your queries:

Tier 4 Doctorate Extension Scheme (Tier 4 DES)

What is it?

This is a new immigration visa category which is available to all completing PhD students who have a valid Tier 4 (general) visa.

Can I apply?

You must be in a position of completing your degree at the University of Birmingham after April 2013 to be eligible to consider making a visa application for this category.

You must also hold a valid Tier 4 (general) visa.

What would be the main benefit in applying for this Scheme?

The Tier 4 DES allows you to remain in the UK for a period of 12 months after your course has ended to enable you to obtain skilled work or set up a business in the UK.

Do I need to have a job offer?

No – this route does not require a job offer. This route allows PhD students who are completing their studies an additional 12 months to remain in the UK for the purposes of finding work.

Can I apply from outside of the UK?

No – you can only apply for an extension of stay into this category from within the UK.

When can I apply?

You must apply for this extension within the 60 day period before your current course end date to be eligible for this Scheme.

You cannot apply after you have completed your PhD.

Your expected end date will be calculated depending on the outcome of your viva. If you had major corrections, you would not be able to apply for the Tier 4 DES. If you needed a visa extension then you would need to apply for a Tier 4 General visa.

How can I apply?

As soon as you have had your viva, you need to complete the Expression of Interest for the Tier 4 DES which can be found on the ISAS web page. Once completed, you need to submit it to the Student Enquiries Service. Keep checking your emails reluarly for progress on your request. When approved, you will be able to apply for a new CAS. You will need to fill in the CAS request form for Tier 4 DES.

What documents do I need?

You will need the following:

•Evidence of maintenance (£1600)

•If you were fully sponsored by an organisation or your Government, you will need a letter of consent from them confirming they are happy for you to stay in the UK under this scheme (even if they don’t sponsor you anymore)

•2 passport photos

•Your passport

•Your BRP or visa

•Your police registration certificate if applicable

•A new ATAS if your PhD required you to have an ATAS certificate

Can my dependants apply for leave under this category?

Yes. If your dependants are with you in the UK they can apply for a visa extension at the same time as yours. If they are outside the UK, they still can apply to come and join you once you have your new visa granted.

Can I apply to switch my immigration status to Tier 1 or Tier 2 at the end of the 12 months?

Yes – the main purpose of the 12 month lvisa under this category is to enable you to progress to the Tier 2 and Tier 1 categories should you wish.

What will happen if I do not complete my course within the original predicted course end date?

Should you not complete your studies within the original predicted course end date, you can:

1.Apply for a new CAS and make a Tier 4 (general) extension visa. You can then later apply for the new Tier 4 DES once you complete your current course; or

2.Take legal advice about extending their stay in another immigration category; or

3.Make arrangements to leave the UK.

What conditions will I be required to meet if I am granted a visa in this category?

Whilst you are studying, the standard Tier 4 conditions will apply including the limitations on permitted hours of work.

However you have been granted your Tier 4 DES visa, you can work without restrictions other than you will not be permitted to work as a doctor or dentist in training or a sportsperson (including sports coach).

Should you be successful with your application to the Home Office under the Tier 4 Doctorate Extension Scheme, you will be issued with further leave to remain for a period of 12 months. You are then permitted to work full time.

The 12 months will start from the date of course completion, not the date of visa issue.

For the duration of your visa you will not be allowed to study at any other institution.

Where can I get more information?

The Home Office have published further guidance at the following:



The ISAS have put some information on their web page: https://intranet.birmingham.ac.uk/as/studentservices/international/working/index.aspx

The ISASwill be doing workshops- check ISAS web page for more information: https://intranet.birmingham.ac.uk/as/studentservices/international/newsevents/index.aspx

I hope this helps.

Kind regards,

Delphine Christe

恩,就是 viva后小于两个月的correction就可以立马申请咯。我们学校出CAS还ok,我要过一次,2-3天的事儿。 谢谢。