
刚看了一下最新的shortage occupation list,
跟理工科相关的挺多的,就是engineer为例,或者比较热门的double E(Electric Engineering)
如:2126 Design and development engineers
design engineer in the electricity transmission and distribution industry
the following jobs in the electronics system industry:

  • integrated circuit design engineer
  • integrated circuit test engineer

但是这些工作是在shortage list里面的,只要雇主愿意,就可以办工签,不需要通过resident labour test的

相反地,IT programmer倒不在list里面,

You can score 30 points for having a Tier 2 (General) certificate of sponsorship from a licensed sponsor. When assigning your certificate, your sponsor will indicate whether they are assigning it because:

the job has an annual salary of £150,000 or more; or
the job is on the shortage occupation list; or
you are moving into Post-study work; or
your sponsor has completed a resident labour market test (or an exemption applies); orif you are already here under Tier 2 (General) and you are applying extend your stay, you will working for the same sponsor in the same job.