已经到了exchange contract的时候了,知道卖家in chain。卖家明确表示要到10月底才能completion。但我的买房律师已经早早催我交了deposit,并authorize了contract exchange。
现在到10月底还剩3个多月的时间,是不是exchange contract太早了?追问我的solicitor才知道一旦换了合同,这三个月中房屋损坏的风险就到我头上,我又不住那儿。
We are awaiting the seller’s solicitors to confirm they are ready to exchange contracts.
With regards to buildings insurance, the risk of the property passes to the buyer at exchange of contracts and therefore it is your responsibility to insure the property. The sellers will not negotiate that you may withdraw from the property if it suffers damage as they are also purchasing a property and that would fall through. However, subject to the completion date, I can ask the sellers solicitors if the seller can remain responsible for buildings insurance until legal completion.