我本来快Exchange了可是贷款律师突然扔出来一个什么Indemnity Insurance的事,然后有一堆问题让我回答,有几个我看不懂的可否请大家帮我看一下?谢谢!
No circumstances have arisen that will give rise to a claim under the terms of the proposed policy had it been in force at the time; for example, there are no pending, ongoing or dormant actions being taken by any third party in relation to the matters for which cover is requested or other title matters.
The donor is not self-employed, a company director, a Lloyd’s name, or a person holding a 5% or more shareholding in any company
其他都能看懂,Lloyd’s name是啥? -
An up-to-date bankruptcy search has been correctly carried out against the donor and it is clear.
这点的字面意思我虽然看懂了。。可是破产调查是什么……而且他们都不在英国啊……而且钱都在我们账户了跟他们破不破产好像没有什么关系啊QAQ -
There are no restrictions or prohibitions registered against Proprietorship Register on the title of the property which relate or may relate to the insolvency of the donor and there are no Charging Orders or other similar entries which may imply that the donor is in financial difficulty.
None of the parties to the current property transaction have any reason to believe that the Transfer was made or is being made to avoid creditors or that the solvency of the donor or transferor is in doubt.
The purchaser is not related to / an associate of / connected to the any of the parties to the deed of gift / transfer at undervalue *(where cover is required for an arms “length purchaser for full market value).