快Exchange关于Indemnity Insurance的问题,求救!!!


我本来快Exchange了可是贷款律师突然扔出来一个什么Indemnity Insurance的事,然后有一堆问题让我回答,有几个我看不懂的可否请大家帮我看一下?谢谢!



  1. No circumstances have arisen that will give rise to a claim under the terms of the proposed policy had it been in force at the time; for example, there are no pending, ongoing or dormant actions being taken by any third party in relation to the matters for which cover is requested or other title matters.

  2. The donor is not self-employed, a company director, a Lloyd’s name, or a person holding a 5% or more shareholding in any company
    其他都能看懂,Lloyd’s name是啥?

  3. An up-to-date bankruptcy search has been correctly carried out against the donor and it is clear.

  4. There are no restrictions or prohibitions registered against Proprietorship Register on the title of the property which relate or may relate to the insolvency of the donor and there are no Charging Orders or other similar entries which may imply that the donor is in financial difficulty.

  5. None of the parties to the current property transaction have any reason to believe that the Transfer was made or is being made to avoid creditors or that the solvency of the donor or transferor is in doubt.

  6. The purchaser is not related to / an associate of / connected to the any of the parties to the deed of gift / transfer at undervalue *(where cover is required for an arms “length purchaser for full market value).

:cn03: 感觉很难懂。。请大家发表一些看法~~~谢谢


你老公父母给你们的钱是无条件的给的,他们不会来找你们要房子(或者搬来和你们住)。 {:5_142:}




  1. 可是那个破产调查的怎么回复呢:cn03: ?不能骗他们说做过吧

2.The purchaser is not related to / an associate of / connected to the any of the parties to the deed of gift / transfer at undervalue *(where cover is required for an arms “length purchaser for full market value).




  1. [INSURED] being the Mortgagee of the Property who has provided the Borrower with a Mortgage at the Commencement Date and any Mortgagee during the Period of Insurance


  1. and any person during the Period of Insurance who acquires the Property at a full market value at arms’ length subsequent to the Transaction and their Mortgagee and/or chargee with an interest in the Property all of whom shall be bound by the terms of this policy

Transaction: A gift of a sum of £xxx amount to facilitate the acquisition of an interest in the Property which has taken place which may become subject to the provisions of the Insolvency Act

貌似是这个意思…… 不知成龙大哥现在觉得以上给我的问题有什么要注意的吗QAQ 尤其那个bankruptcy和亲戚的那个

查了一下Indemnity insurance一般是银行对一些和房子相关的法律问题不是很确定满意的时候才要的,估计你这个情况是银行对gift money情况不是很满意。


:cn03: 好的,谢谢成龙大哥!

这里gift money让父母写的中英声明签个字, 就好啦。

1, 钱都是父母自愿给你们的, 并且知道你们要用这笔钱来做房子的deposit。

2, 父母未来不会对房子有任何的要求也不会搬来住。

3, 钱都是父母的积蓄, 无任何非法资产。


  1. The donor is not self-employed, a company director, a Lloyd’s name, or a person holding a 5% or more shareholding in any company
    其他都能看懂,Lloyd’s name是啥?

这里的lLoyds, 指的不是银行,它指得是伦敦最大的insurance评估,操作,交易场所。lLoyd’s name指得是这场所里有注册资格的syndicate.