第一次买房,要不要找financial adviser呢,各位大神请进


“200多服务费”不算贵,但如果你们的收入情况不复杂你们也清楚各种mortgage deal的优缺点,那这200可以去吃两次米其林。:lol


其实一般情况咨询银行的mortgage advisor,他们都会给你详细解释清楚情况以及你的贷款会不会有较大的风险等问题,跟broker之类的同样清晰透明,lz如果情况不复杂其实可以省下这个钱啊,就算找broker也有很多免费的,不一定要找这么贵的。



还有律师费,stamp duty。

:cn04: 原来是一条龙服务的advisor,那还是蛮合理的价

不一定是他们提供所有服务,但financil adviser如果是给advise的话,这些费用都是必须告诉client的,不然有误导的可能性。

我也是first time buyer 就问了一家银行,mortgage offer很快就下来, rate也还行, 还送了个ipad mini

请问是哪家银行贷款送ipad mini 啊?

This is probably irrelevant but mortgage broker is not financial advisor.
We have an advisor but he looks after our investment package instead of mortgage…since we haven’t much time for it.



Er… He’s a friend of a friend :stuck_out_tongue:
Can’t really pass on his details - my apologies.

It depends on your type of investment but in general it’s considered better to hire a ‘chartered financial planner’, if the investment is serious.
They can’t work wonders but they will give you sensible advice on areas such as your taxation, insurance or various other investment products.
My guess is that you can find out more via Chartered Insurance Institute (CII).

Since this is miles off the topic I’ll stop here.

Ps, pardon me for the horrible typo I was used to making - it should spell ‘adviser’.



那家银行呀 还有ipad送?

Personally, I think financial advisers are just con.:lol

Our one has been fine. In fact he’s been a great help and I’d say this as someone who works in the finance industry myself.
But of course it depends on one’s personal needs and circumstances.
It’s not impossible that lots of people are perfectly capable of handling their own finances.