关于first time buyer






no you can’t. Please check official document:
This means that:

married couples and civil partners may own one main residence between them at any one time for the purposes of the higher rates
property owned by either partner (and any minor children) will be relevant when determining if an additional property is being purchased or not. Therefore, an individual buying a property may be liable for the higher rates if his or her spouse or civil partner has an existing residential property. If the spouse or civil partner then sells that residential property they may be able to claim a refund
[b]Married couples and civil partners are treated as living together, and therefore as one unit, unless they are separated:

under a court order; or
by a formal Deed of Separation executed under seal.[/b]

应该不是像你说的这样的吧 房产归属权 即使是夫妻 也是有区别的 谁的就是谁的

my friend what you said is right, but what I was trying to explain regarding LZ’s question is when deciding if you need to pay 3% surcharge, it doesn’t matter who owns the existing property( being youself only, your wife only or jointly ), a couple will be treated as one unit, you are liable to pay the surcharge.

你说的太对了 真正确 鼓掌 楼主一定很感谢你!