买flat, allocated 车位的管理费问题

搬进新flat一年多了,management company上周来信,说allocated给我的地下车位每年要交1000多磅的管理费。我家不是什么高档小区,一年整个的物业费也就1000多磅,我自己在楼下租个车位,一个月也就100磅,而且他这个虽然是地下车位,但没人看管,水泥地, 条件挺差的,居然要这么高的管理费?

我自己在网上查了一下,挺少人谈到车位管理费的。只看到一个相关的,在老外论坛里,一个人说他的小区收,但他的小区是valet parking,而我们的连保安都没有啊。回复里说allocated 的车位可以收reasonable的管理费,但收的这个钱不能产生profit,就是必须用到我们的车库中。但我们的车库压根没什么要花钱的地方,cctv什么的都是跟着整个小区的物业费走,也没人看管,最多就是半个月找人打扰一下,但几十个车位,一人1000多磅,怎么也有几万磅,根本不可能花完啊。


Too much


如果你觉得不合理,和其它leaseholder联系,你们所有leaseholder可以联合起来要求更换management company。这是你们在行使你们RTM的权利。

The Right to Manage (RTM) was introduced through the Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act 2002. It gives leaseholders the statutory right to take over the management of their property from the landlord by setting up a special company - a right to manage company.

RTM is an important right for leaseholders. They do not have to get the landlord’s permission, prove any mismanagement or obtain any court order to exercise the right. But it does come with some very real responsibilities and it’s not a decision that should be taken lightly.