
今天刚跟律师确定了completion date, 但是他又发过来几个问题, 其中一个我不知怎么办,想请教一下大家:
2. Wooden flooring

The lease states that the flat owner must “cover all floors with carpet and good quality sound insulating underlay (save in the bathroom and kitchen only where ceramic tiling is permitted)”.

It is my understanding that the property has wooden flooring.

The seller has stated that the flat has wooden flooring, and that this was fitted by the developer. I have asked for evidence of this, but the seller has not be prepared to provide this. I also asked for them to seek the retrospective consent of the Landlord but they have refused. Technically, in the absence of Landlord’s consent, this is a breach of the lease and the Landlord could require you to rectify it by laying carpet and underlay at your expense.

Please let me know how you wish me to proceed.


如果只有走廊那一点儿,即使要改也花不了多少钱,如果是我就算了,proceed to completion. 如果landlord有意见就改呗


已经到要COMPLETION阶段了,你难道再PULL OUT?如果只是地板的事,没有其它大的问题,应该可以接受吧。

没什么好担心的 landlord又不会发现 即使发现了也不一定要你换