我现在的签证情况是这样的: 现在为PBS Dependant, 老公之前是工作签,不过十年先到了就用十年签了永居。 现在我们预约了家属面签,正在抓紧准备我的Spouse Visa。
1. 这一次申请我应该是需要交IHS费, 不过现在老公的BRP卡还没有寄回来。 我在网上准备交IHS费的时候发现需要填写老公BRP卡的expire日期。请问各位已经交过IHS费用的朋友们是否都是等老公的BRP卡回来才填写的呢? 如果到面签日期时BRP卡还没有回来,是否是只能更改面签日期呢?
2. 在签证表格FLR (M) Section 2 Under which category are you applying for leave这一项中的2.2 - Is this the first time you have applied for a visa or extension of stay in one of the above categories (including previous leave granted as a fiancé(e) or proposed civil partner) with your current sponsor,请问我是否应该选择Yes呢(我之前一直是PBS dependant,现在申请family member of a settled person)?
3. 这也是我们最疑惑的一个问题: 在Section 2 即以上问题中,问题2.3 要求 Please indicate what stage of extension of leave you are applying for or why you are choosing to extend your current leave in one of the above categories。 我是否应该选择First period of leave to remain (following an initial period of entry clearance as a partner of a settled person, or following an initial period of entry clearance as a fiancé(e) or proposed civil partner of a settled person - 6 months) 呢?因为之前是dependant签证,所以对这个问题十分疑惑。