拿完永居给老婆办FLR(M), 需要出示我的护照原件吗?

不好意思。。又是我。。。最近来的有点勤。。希望大家不要烦。。。 {:5_137:}

我7月19号办的永居,之前t2,老婆t2 dependent, 我换完永居之后,老婆的t2 dependent就需要尽快换成flr(m)了 (这个之前问过,已经和home office确认过了,的确是需要换)



寄签的话,需要出示我的护照原件吗? 8月底有一个会要出境,在 FLR(M) Guidance Notes (Version 07/2018) - Page 7 of 11 上找到这样一段话:

“If you are making your application by post you can send a complete and full copy of your sponsor’s
valid or most recent passport, national identity card or travel document with your application. Every
page of the passport must be copied including any blank pages. The copy does not need to be
certified; your sponsor must sign the declaration at section 14 of the application form to confirm it
is a complete and true copy of their current passport, national identity card or travel document.
Make sure passports or travel documents are signed."

不知道是否适用于我的case,还是只是用于有英国护照的? 这里也没提我的永居卡要怎么邮寄。。。是原件还是copy。。。。