04年苏格兰硕士毕业后申请了两年的fresh talent签证。然后读了博士又转回了学生签,现在博士毕业了可以再申请psw吗?
An applicant who has previously been granted entry clearance or leave to remain as a participant in the International Graduates Scheme, or its predecessor, the Science and Engineering Graduates Scheme, or as a participant in the Fresh Talent: Working in Scotland Scheme will not be able to apply for entry clearance under Tier 1 (Post-Study Work).
谢谢 超迅速回复呀 麻烦可以给下链接来源吗
我刚在board 官网都看花眼了都没找到确切的信息:cn14: 眼神太不好了
Tier 1 (Post-Study Work) migrants
To qualify for entry clearance as a Tier 1 (Post-Study Work) Migrant, an applicant must meet the requirements listed below. If the applicant meets these requirements, entry clearance will be granted. If the applicant does not meet these requirements, the application will be refused.
(a) The applicant must not fall for refusal under the general grounds for refusal.
(b) The applicant must not previously have been granted entry clearance or leave to remain as a Tier 1 (Post-Study Work) Migrant as a Participant in the International Graduates Scheme (or its predecessor, the Science and Engineering Graduates Scheme), or as a Participant in the Fresh Talent: Working in Scotland Scheme.
谢谢达人,不过我想问下 这个是说t1的 entry clearance的申请,如果现在我们人在英国不需要entry clearance是要申请 leave to remain这种签证的,这条适用吗?不好意思哈 问题比较多:cn11:
那个连接下面的不就是关于Leave to remain嘛?
245ZA. Period and conditions of grant
(a) Leave to remain will be granted:
(i) for a period of the difference between 2 years and the period of the last grant of entry clearance, leave to enter or remain , to an applicant who has or was last granted leave as a Participant in the Fresh Talent: Working in Scotland Scheme, as a Participant in the International Graduates Scheme (or its predecessor the Science and Engineering Graduates Scheme). If this calculation results in no grant of leave then leave to remain is to be refused;
(ii) for a period of 2 years, to any other applicant.
恩 刚才正在研读中,呵呵 问过了才发现下面有好多内容呢 anyway 都谢谢你哦,不然我真找不到具体解释这些的条例呢
http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/applicationforms/pbs/tier1poststudyworkguidance2.pdf 这是PSW申请帮助
第8页, 第一次来英国或者在英国续签过FRESH TALENT的人都不可以再申请PSW
可以不纠结psw这个了 呵呵
不客气:cn08: 那你准备拿什么续签呢? 博士没毕业时找T2工作应该不难吧
恩 因为过来也快7,8年了,想凑够10年永居的说。如果psw不行的话就看看工作或者商业移民吧:) 就是觉的毕竟psw更简便些