Give up Chinese Citizenship(What's the procedure?)

Dear Apple friends,

I am going to attend my British Citizenship ceremony tomorrow and I will be British citizen from tomorrow.

I understand China does not recognise dual citizenship and my Chinese citizenship is automatically cancelled.

Can anyone tell me what is the procedure to give up Chinese citizenship? Do I have to do anything at all? If possible, can someone send me the link of relevant articles/applications etc? Thanks so much! :slight_smile:

I tried to called all Chinese authorities in UK but no firm answer and they even tell me different things all the time!

Sorry I chose to give up Chinese citizenship as I did not want to. It’s purely for travelling I do not need Visa any more to go to Europe, US etc.

Thanks a lot.

P.S Sorry because I am at work and I can’t type in Chinese…

Also just some related points, I have been living in the UK for ten years so I applied PR on this basis through a solicitor. When I apply for British Citizenship (you need to apply for UK Naturalisation), I did it myself. It was not difficult. I recommend you apply through your local National Checking Office because they check your form, photocopy and certify all your original documents then return all original documents to you.
Any questions just ask me.


Some advise please…

After reading many 帖 here, I think it’s better to follow the law and rule…

get your british passport first, then contact chinese embassy.

as I know there s no need for you to “give up” on chinese citizenship, coz once you joined the british citizenship your information will be past to chinese embassy straight away by the HO, and then you will be no longer a Chinese citizen.



我五月中申请的,六月中Home Office讲已经made decision (我打电话追问),七月收到的入籍仪式申请信。

找律师也要差不多时间。NC 挺快的,我很满意他们的服务。



can you tell me who told you when you were jionted british citizen, HO will send your information to chinese not give wrong informations mate.

+1, HO will never share personal information with an foriegn embassy (unless US for certian national interests reason). They don’t even share the citzenship info with Indian government after they received formal requests from indian embassy.





Chinese holding British Passport needs Visa to go to US?

Please advise!


•British travellers to the US under the Visa Waiver Programme (VWP), which allows most British Citizen passport holders to visit for up to 90 days without a visa, must get an authorisation via the Electronic System for Travel Authorisation (ESTA) prior to their journey. Visitors should register through the ESTA website at and are advised to do so at least 72 hours prior to travel. If you do not have an ESTA you will be refused travel to the USA.


我错了, 昨天跟朋友说起,她说去美国, 加拿大只要落地签就可以了。

看起来英国的护照倒是不难拿, 可是中国护照一旦放弃了,就拿不回来了。 我老公说了: 他想要本中国的护照, 我说你做梦吧{:5_137:}



