准备买一个房龄10年的 town house 在一个10年的小区里面, 但是收到律师的local research 说 ground stability risk : moderate 这样的房子可以继续买吗。
Section 4b: Natural Factors
Enquiry Result Contact
What is the potential for natural ground instability in the area within 50m of the
Moderate -
Comment: The British Geological Survey has assessed the area of search as having moderate potential for natural ground
instability. This does not necessarily mean there is cause for concern in terms of the property’s stability. Active subsidence will
be dependent on local conditions, such as the proximity of trees or areas where trees have been removed, which require an
inspection of the site to identify the nature of the ground on which the property is built. A house buyers survey is advised to
look for signs of property damage that may indicate poor natural ground conditions.