健康食物也可以如此美味Healthy Food can be so Tasty

大家好,欢迎来到超级苹果网的本土美食节目《大鱼美食秀》,今天大鱼姐姐为各位推荐一些伦敦的健康食物。其实,这篇文章,是大鱼姐姐给英国最高大上的中英双语时尚杂志《Mint Edition》写的专栏稿,但是这么好的东西怎么能不分享给我们苹果网友呢,如果大家想看《Mint Edition》杂志,可以在他们的官网下载到电子版。




After the indulgence over Christmas, New Year and Valentine’s, and with warmer weather closing in all the time, I know many of our readers will be thinking of dropping the extra pounds gained over the winter period in preparation for form-fitting slinky dresses and swanky suits.

When most people think about healthy food, the first image that inevitably comes to mind is a sea of unappetising greens and bland white meat. For those who love food, this can be akin to a kind of mental torture, leaving them cringing in horror. Let Big Fish enlighten the World and show you that a healthy diet can be found in the most unexpected of places, that hearty food and healthy food are not necessarily mutual exclusives.

The Japanese have long been considered modern marvels of healthy living with some of the longest life expectancy in the World. Research have shown this is down in part to their unique diet, rich in seafood and fresh vegetables prepared with little additives and plenty of superfood ingredients.

位于伦敦Regent St的Aqua Kyoto日本料理店,在最近就推出了一款健康套餐。头盘水煮菠菜已经让人眼前一亮,服务员在你面前把刚炒制出炉的芝麻研磨开来,加上日式沙拉酱缓缓浇在菠菜卷上,再由你自己用筷子拌开。芝麻的香浓味点缀着原本平淡的菠菜沙拉,十分可口。主食“羊肉煲”的羊肉只是点缀,主角是多汁柔软的茄子和由青豆制成入口即化的豆腐,配餐是加入蘑菇的盖碗蒸蛋以及日本米饭。甜点则是低糖绿茶蛋糕和雪葩。同时还有生鱼片以及乌冬汤面可供选择,这样一餐加上一杯鸡尾酒一共£29,性价比也不错是不是。
Aqua Kyoto is a Japanese restaurant on Regent Street (entrance on Argyll Street) which makes it the perfect dining location after a long day hitting the shops. Introducing a special New Year Solutions set menu to, in their words, “nourish, nurture and renew”, this consists of three courses of their unique take on Japanese cuisine and a glass of their signature Ciroc cocktail for the grand total of £29. This represents amazing value and I defy anyone to find a more reasonably priced meal on Regent Street that looks and tastes as good. The standout starter has to be the Horenso Goma Ae, a spinach salad with a goma dressing filled with all the goodness and divine tastiness of roasted sesame seeds. A lamb main of Ramu Toban may not immediately sound healthy, but here the lamb is more an embellishment to the soft, juicy grilled aubergine and flavoursome edamame tofu, completely fulfilling the requirements of health in a tasty bowl. The dessert is a low sugar green tea galette with miso milk sorbet. What’s not to like!

Not only are Oysters fabulously delicious, in addition to being low in cholesterol, they actually lower “bad” cholesterol and boosts “good” ones. Add to that the concentrated dose of vitamins and minerals each little oyster gem contains and it is no exaggeration to call them the new superfood.

伦敦Swallow Street上著名的Bentley’s餐馆的创始人Bentley兄弟俩是专业捕获牡蛎的渔民,几年前由著名大厨Richard Corrigan收入麾下,至今已经有近百年的历史。他们家的牡蛎品种丰富,特别推荐Lock Ryan No2 和Jersey Coast,鲜美到只需要挤上少量柠檬汁便可享用。头盘“三文鱼”在该店屋顶自家秘法烟熏,香味独特,配上柔软的现制煎饼,口味棒极了。有位美食家说过,直到吃了Bentley’s的Dover Sole才知道为什么这是英国最贵的鱼之一,我完全赞同。这里看起来乏味到除了鱼片本身就是旁边半颗柠檬的炭火烤Dover Sole,没有任何高卡路里的汁浇在上面,但是竟然如此美味。一口下去,浓浓的香味在嘴里蔓延开来,回味无穷。
Bentley’s Oyster Bar & Grill on Swallow Street(near Regent Street) can surely be considered an institution in London. Opened in 1916 by the Bentley brothers (no, not the car) who owned an oyster farm in Colchester and brought by famous chef Richard Corrigan in 2005, Bentley’s is coming up to its hundredth birthday and how many restaurants can say that? Serving 8 different choices of oysters carefully selected for their natural flavours, it is almost sacrilegious to mask this with the traditional shallot vinegar. Try at least one with just a twist of lemon and you’ll know what I mean. I recommend the Jersey Coast oysters for those on a budget, but the Loch Ryan No 2 is fantastic for those pushing the boat out, so to speak. For non-oyster fans (really?), a great starter is the Rooftop Smoked Salmon, so named because it is smoked on the rooftop of the restaurant, containing some of the best tasting smoked salmon in London. A fellow food critic once said it was Bentley’s treatment of the Dover Sole which made him truly appreciate what a special fish this is and I agree. Plainly served with just a half of lemon, Bentley’s is confident enough in the provenance of their selection to not bother with any high calorie sauce to conceal the wonderful texture and savoury aftertaste of the flavoursome fish enhanced by the wood fired grill. There is a very nice chunky tartar sauce provided but the use is entirely up to you - I say no.

如果你是“阿特金斯健康饮食法”的粉丝,打算遵从阿特金斯医生所倡导的少吃碳水化合物,多吃肉和鱼类食物,那你一定会喜欢位于Air Street的Hawksmoor。这家店以牛排出名,炭火烤制的各式牛排非常美味。他们的海鲜大餐也同样可口,把迷迭香,大蒜以及辣椒等佐料混合,塞入新鲜皇家海鲷,再用烘培纸包裹好放入烤箱慢火烤制。海鲷水分和营养紧紧被锁住,再配上大厨秘制沙拉,味道鲜美。
With a menu split equally between steak and seafood, Hawksmoor Air Street is a haven for Atkins Diet advocates. With Hawksmoor the steaks need no introduction, suffice to say the charcoaled specimens served at this branch are no disappointment. Special mention has to go to the Royal Bream, very healthily baked in paper with garlic, rosemary and chilli, keeping all the moisture and nutrients intact in a flavoursome dish. The English lettuce & herb salad may not sound very exciting but the Hawksmoor version is a perfectly dressed plate of heavenly goodness and is the perfect accompaniment to the Royal Bream in a healthy meal that is definitely not low on flavours.

老一辈,甚至于老老一辈的伦敦人,相信都不会对Brasserie Zedel陌生。这个位于Piccadilly广场和Regent Street交叉地段的餐馆始创于上世纪初,虽然经过多次翻修但仍然保持着1920年代的风格。高高的大理石柱上23K镀金花边格外耀眼。这里供应地道法餐,在写满各色菜肴的菜单上很容易就会发现你所想要的健康食物,“Tuna沙拉”里面食材丰富,有煮鸡蛋,煮土豆,腌制橄榄,小番茄,四季豆以及脱水吞拿鱼。你还可以吃到高蛋白低脂肪,富含20多种氨基酸的“烤蜗牛”,相信法国大厨的手艺定不会让你失望。还要提及的一点就是他们家便宜啊,满满大页菜单,好多都在10镑以下,绝对是约会性价比超高的场所。
Located where Piccadilly Circus meets Regent Street, the older Londoner will feel transported back to his/her youth in Brasserie Zedel. This is not to say younger readers will feel out of place for this is a grand Art Deco establishment which will never fall out of style. The many renovations have kept sympathetic to its roots, and today it has the style of a grand French bistro with all the eccentricities of one - think grand marble-laid, 23k gilded hall and tables laid with paper tablecloths. However, even with all this, the price is surprisingly reasonable. Some may not think this but snails are actually low in fat and a good source of vitamins and minerals, and the starter of escargots served here does not disappoint. For a healthy main, go for the Salade Nicoise done the traditional way with boiled egg, potatoes, olives, baby tomatoes, green beans and plenty of tuna. Brasserie Zedel should definitely be a top choice for a nice, reasonably-priced French meal in the English capital, and that is no oxymoron.

With Brasserie Zedel though, the “healthiness” does not stop with the food. We must mention the famous cabaret and jazz venue that is the Crazy Coqs, which has played host to a number of great artists over the years. After enjoying the food at the Brasserie, you must walk across to the attached Crazy Coqs and continue your night. After all, a happy person is a healthy person.

Keep away from food that are deep fried or high in calories and bad carbohydrates, replace these with seafood and lots of vegetables, and most importantly, smile and be happy every day. By following these simple Big Fish steps you will find that a healthy diet can be both fun and tasty after all.

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delicious, {:5_137:}




看起来不错 啊









