
楼主目前T2,还有一年零一个月左右到期,上周在halifax官网申请了Agreement in principle,并且收到了确认的邮件以及他们评估的可贷款的数额,请问各位朋友我现在是不是可以凭借这份文件约中介看房了呢?我一直比较在意的是剩余一年的工签是否能顺利贷款的问题,虽说明年会进行续签但还是想尽量早一点开始进行贷款和买房。谢谢大家


原来如此 谢谢解答

可以看房,但出价的话中介一般就要看你mortgage in principle letter, 一边看房一边把这个信办好。

MIP will be valid for some time, can’t remember if it is 3/6moths. So can try to find the property during this time.

你注意看一下 后面会写要求你的visa还要valid至少3年
我跟你情况一样 上周拿到Halifex的Agreement in principle 收到邮件仔细一看 Next Step上写的
A copy of your passport including visa to confirm you have the right to reside in the UK for a minimum of 3 years.
立刻没戏了 哭

已经有个halifax offer在手,完全没有问题啊


Where the client is not a citizen of one of the countries listed above then the following checks must be completed:

Applicants must not enjoy diplomatic immunity
Passport includes indefinite leave to remain - proceed.
Passport does not include indefinite leave to remain but includes work permit or visa with minimum 2 years 6 months remaining - proceed.
If not, has the customer lived and worked in the UK for over 3 years (excluding refugees or any period as a student) - proceed
If not, where work permit has less than 2 years 6 months remaining employer must confirm that they have applied (or intend to apply) for the permit to be renewed - proceed
If none of the above applies, then the case may not proceed (or could be limited to 75% LTV).
Please ensure that if the passport has a visa stamp and if this stamp has specific conditions attached that any documents that refer to these conditions are submitted with the passport, i.e. if the visa says ‘As authorised by the secretary of state’ then the work permit and a letter from the employer confirming that they have applied (or intend to apply) for the permit to be renewed are submitted.
Some Non-EEA nationals may have an identity card issued by the home office in place of a visa, which will confirm the client's right to stay, work or study in the UK. These cards are acceptable.

I applied my mortgage from Barclay in June last year and received the offer in Aug, but my visa was expiry in Aug last year. The mortgage advisor from Barclay said they do not mind the length of visa remaining but applicants have to be living in the UK at least 2 years. Hope it helps.

Thanks a lot!!


Great!!! Thx a lot

Don’t be negative, the mortgage advisor contacted with me, and told me that my visa situation is not a problem, and we can start to property hunt with the mortgage promise.

恭喜恭喜,请问您是因为顾主出具了确定续签的证明还是因为再英国工作生活满三年了所以才办下来的呢?最后给的offer和一开始做mortgage promise的评估差距大么?


我也是工签 今年年初申请的时候也是剩一年多 但是我用了mortgage adviser帮我申请的halifax贷款 所有事情都是他们做的我只要给足材料就可以了 很快就批下来了 觉得比较省心
