Help, enquiry of citizenship

Girls and boys,

I have a question. If my passport is expired, can I still apply the UK citizenship?

I can not renew my passport, because my government says that I have not done my national service.

So do you have any ideas that I still can apply for it?

Thank you

my government{:5_129:}

你最好去问问home office比较可靠。我觉得your government的思路很奇怪啊,他们不肯给你新的护照,但你anyway是他们的公民啊,没有有效护照,你在异国他乡,他们叫你怎么旅行啊?就算你要回国,也应该有护照的吧。难道你成了stateless吗?他们没有取消你的国籍,为什么不给你护照?by the way which government is your government?不是中国吗?

Sorry, I mean the Taiwan Government.