今天收到HO配偶签证续签信, 30months, 附上我提交的材料.

27/12/2017 网上递交申请
02/01/2018 材料寄出
13/01/2018 去邮局enroll biometric (没认真看文件一直傻傻等HO信来再去弄指纹, 差点超过15个工作日. 所以大家应该提交申请表以后尽快去邮局弄)
14/01/2018 收到回执 (信件日期是9号, 我14号才收到)
10/02/2018 收到 Grant Leave to Remain 30个月签证信件. 附带护照, BRP卡单独邮寄.

准备材料如下: 分为3个部分 (希望对大家有帮助, 因为我在准备材料的时候也是参考了大家的准备材料. 尽可能简单.)

以下 L 是我, W是我配偶

第一部分 (都是必须文件, check list里面要求的) copy不是必须, 我自己家里复印也挺方面, 重要的文件我都放了copy. 其他文件没有. 事实上护照 出生证 那些复印文件没有退还, 有可能他们还是需要的, 猜测.

 Document checklist
 Part1: Consent for the Home Office to verify application information
 Part2: consent for the Home Office to verify third party information
 Part3: Consent for the Home Office to verify information from third party sponsor.
 Declaration for spouse

  1. L’s Chinese passport and information page’s copy.
  2. W’s British passport and information page’s copy. (sponsor, spouse)
  3. Marriage Certificate and copy.
  4. 2* L’s passport photos.
  5. 1* W’s passport photo.
  6. L’s B1 Language Certificate from Trinity College London and copy. Unique Electronic Reference Number: TCL
  7. Non-applying child XX’s passport copy.
  8. Non-applying child XXX’s passport copy.
  9. XX BIRTH CERTIFICATE and copy, proof of L & W relationship with XX
  10. XXX BIRTH CERTIFICATE and copy, proof of L & W relationship with XXX
  11. Cover Letter (不是必须, 我只是简单介绍了一下自身情况, 然后说明了一下所准备的材料)

这里关于 NON-APPLYING children 的 父母, 也就是我跟我的配偶的出生证明, 这一点我也咨询过论坛的朋友. 表格里面有要求提交, 我也在CHECK LIST里面打钩了, 但是我没有提交, 连国内的出生证明都没有提交, 因为配偶中国护照已经被注销, 身份证也已经过期, 没办法弄了. 我是直接没去弄. 所以两个人的都没有提交, 还一直担心这一点. 有可能是我运气好, 也有可能是其他原因. 他们还是给我签证了.

第二部分 Financial

  1. Latest 6 months joint account bank statement
  2. W P60, year 2017
  3. L P60, year 2017
  4. W last 6 months payslips from XXXXXXXXX Limited.
  5. L last 6 months payslips from XXXXXXXXXXX Limited.
  6. Letter from employer XXXXXXXX with headed paper to confirm W job and income.
  7. Letter from employer XXXXXXXXXX with headed paper to confirm L job and income.

第三部分 Proof of Relationship

  1. Marriage Certificate
  2. Council tax bill in joint name
  3. Water bill in joint name
  4. Land Registry in joint name.
  5. Letter from solicitor for completion of purchase property above, in joint name.
  6. Joint account bank statement. ,
  7. Remortgage confirmation for property above, in joint name.
  8. Purchase of investment property, in joint name.
  9. Contract exchange confirmation letter from Solicitors, in joint name.
  10. L’s energy statement:
  11. L’s nest pension letter.
  12. W pension letter.
  13. L ’s TV License.
  14. W ’s landline and broadband.
  15. W ’s HMRC Employment history.
  16. Home insurance under L ’s name.

我把我俩的NHS信件都扔了, 结果准备的时候都找不到了…

以上就是我的签证材料, 祝大家顺利拿到签证.



恭喜 {:5_142:}



恭喜恭喜 要不要把关键信息隐去呀




Re: 申请人
Nationality: Chinese

I hereby confirm XXX is employed as a job position with 888888 Limited, company number 0000000. XXX has been an employee since July 2011. His gross salary is 000000 pounds per year and his job is permanent.

His salary is calculated and based on 0000 hours per month. The payslips are genuine.

Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.


恭喜楼主的请问工资单要盖公司章吗。 同样的雇主信是要签名还是也要盖章。还是说就公司信纸就OK 谢谢

我没有公司盖章, 就是通了公司抬头信件然后经理或者director签名


从我提交申请日开始算的话是32个月, 我17年12月27日网上递交申请,



谢谢你的信息,很有用。因为我现在也在准备续签资料,【NON-APPLYING children 的父母, 也就是我跟我的配偶的出生证明】我老公有,我没有,看你没提供就过了,说明有希望,谢谢。

不客气, 每次签证也都是苹果论坛上的朋友给了我很多信息. 我特别记得我当时回国申请配偶的时候john大还有 ukelvin 给了我很多的帮助和建议. 不多ukelvin貌似最近都没见到了, 或者说很少上论坛了. 所以我尽量把自己所了解的分享给大家.
