home buy report 拿到了 有几个主要的问题想问问大家!

1.There was evidence of wet and dry rot in the timber of the loft at the time of inspection. Rot presents a risk to the property, people and to the grounds as it could compromise the structural integrity of the roof structure. It is also indicative of water ingress, caused by a number of contributing factors including but not limited to poor standard of the roof coverings above and poor levels of roof insulation — from what could be seen at the time of inspection neither of the lofts were well insulated at the time of inspection.

2.There were positive damp meter readings from the internal walls of the property at the time of inspection.

3: The water pressure of the property was lower than average.

4.这房子带一个独立的double garange 妈呀 这个garage我当时没有细看,结果survey下来,里外墙上都有crack,墙上还有个损坏的洞,有lintel crack,roof也不行了。难道要重造garage吗?还是修就可以了?


1, 可能里面的Rolf felt, roof breathable membrane 老化导致漏水进去。这个需要re-roof。基本上典型的terrace house £4K, semi detach 5-7k。如果只是小面积或许可以维修,但是老屋子漏水的话通常都得换membrane
2,damp proofing 看面积,有专业的施工队打药水针。可能几百镑可以处理。
3,water pressure lower then usual,也许是lead pipe 老化变形变窄了。要掘地在水表接上新的25mm MDPE pipe,看距离和离开水表多远和地上要掘多少然后make good ,请人大概£800~£3000。自己动手的话就看你的动手人力了。
4,我去年自己修了double garage 。bricklayer 砖头外墙批灰大概£3000, fibre glass roof 30平米 £2200