Home Office 4月6号换新表格了 签证的注意了!

UKBA 4月6日开始使用新的申请表格,近期申请的童鞋注意用新表格,否则申请会被视为无效!

主要是申请费的增加,maintenance funds for Tier 4 and Tier 5的要求提高了,伦敦以内提高到1000镑每月,伦敦以外提高到800镑每月。以及下面的一些变化:

As previously announced, a number of changes to the Immigration Rules are coming into effect on 6 April.

These include changes for migrants coming to the UK under the following routes of the points-based system:
Tier 1 - high-value migrants.
Tier 2 - skilled workers, including: new arrangements for students switching into Tier 2 and confirmation that the limit for non-EU skilled workers allowed into the UK will remain at 20,700 for the next 2 years.
Tier 4 - students.
Tier 5 - temporary workers.

In addition to these changes the government is also increasing from 6 April, the funds that applicants will need to provide evidence of, in order to meet the maintenance requirements for Tier 4 and Tier 5 (Youth Mobility Scheme). Changes to the level of funds needed for applicants in Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 5 (Temporary worker) will come into effect on 14 June.
