请教关于跟home office申请SAR,申请表格被退回

大家好, 之前寄出去的申请SAR(subject access request)今天被退回了,原因如下

Clear certified photographic evidence of the subject’s identity

All requests for a standard SAR for people over the the age of 12 must include a copy of photo identification which must also be certified by a solicitor, the office of the immigration service commissioner firm or registered charity confirming they have seen the subject and can confirm with the words " I certify that this is a true likeness of Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms[full name]", include the name and signature of the solicitor making the declaration and the date the declaration was signed.

之前寄了护照复印件和bill单,没想到 photo ID 还要certified,请教之前办理过的亲们是怎么certified?需要专门找个律师吗?


SAR的guideline里面写的很清楚是需要一个certified id证明的(以前的SAR不需要)

可以拿护照或者驾照作为photo id去律师行certified,律师行会复印一份,签字敲章写日期,和post order放一块,寄出去

我找的是本地律师行 提供很多服务的那种(买房做移民签证)做这个我的律师收费5磅 {:5_147:}

好的 明白啦 多谢!

