请问这房子可以买吗?home report上指出有点问题

大家好,祝大家圣诞快乐,新年快乐!圣诞前前看了一套2 bed ground floor flat. 市场价105k, fixed price 90k,位置挺好的,离大学走路12分钟,离市中心走路15分钟,打算买来租给学生。但是房子里客厅和厨房没有暖气(房间和走廊里是有的),厨房所有的white goods 也没有,另外home report 里也指出了一些问题,看房后对方律师打了好几个电话问我我们有没有兴趣给个offer. 我就想要不出个80k,肯定不会被接受的, 结果居然被接受了。感觉捡了个大便宜,又担心要付出维修的费用会很高。现在有几个问题想问一下大家。

  1. home report里指出 “Condensation/mould growth was noted throughout at the date of inspection. Evidence of timber decay was noted to the flooring in the bathroom around the w.c. and bath areas and this requires to be fully investigated and repairs carried out thereafter by a suitably qualified timber specialist contractor ”,我就打算找个timer specialist 去看看修一下要多少钱,结果对方说成交之前我们不准再去看房了。在报告里这个repair category是2, 应该不算严重是吗?请问这个修一下大概要多少?

  2. The rainwater fittings appear to have been renewed however the downpipe on the front elevation still requires to be connected at the base. 这个对ground floor 影响会很大吗?要找人把它连起来吗?费用是不是要公摊?需要我们挨家挨户去问大家吗?

3.A number of the window fittings are broken and missing. 请问这个修一下大概多少钱一个窗?我自己动手能力很差,还有两个宝宝,所以什么都只能请人来做。

4.在electricity一栏repair category也是2, “The fuse box is dated, repair or renewal of the system will be required. It is recommended that the system be checked and upgraded to current regulations by a suitably qualified electrical contractor”. 请问这个是找人换个fuse box 就行吗?




