HomeBuyer Report有两个问题请教各位大佬

最近收到了HomeBuyer Report, 一共有两个2两个3,剩下都是1. 涉及到3的两个问题我拿不准,想请教下大家的看法。

The property does not have any mains powered smoke/fire or carbon monoxide alarms.
It would be prudent to install mains powered smoke/fire and carbon monoxide alarms.
Condition Rating 3
This is a risk to persons, and we refer you to our comments in section J.

特别是第二个问题,关于consumer unit的,原文如下:
The meter is in the outside meter box. The meter and consumer unit can be found in the cupboard. The consumer
unit contains older type wire fuses to protect users should there be a defect with the installation. Where visible, the
installation has been wired in plastic covered cable. We do not know if there is a current test certificate for the
electrical installation.
The consumer unit contains no modern cut-off devices.
Condition Rating 3
You should ask an approved electrical engineer registered with either the National Inspection Council for Electrical
Installation Contracting, (NICEIC), or with the Electrical Contractors Association, (ECA),
to inspect and test the electrical installation and report to you before exchange of contracts as
there is no current test certificate for the system as no modern safety cut-off devices are present. We refer you to
the page in this report entitled ‘What to do now’.
This is a risk to persons, and we refer you to our comments in section J.
我是不是要换一个新的consumer unit?那大概需要多少钱呢?

图片是房间里的Consumer unit

严格的说smoke alarm应该要双电源,main power加battery,用battery power的也可以,但需要经常测试,想增加可靠性多装几个。安装main powered布线不复杂。

用保险丝的系统比较老,只有过电保护,没有漏电保护。换现代的consumer unit不是换个unit那么简单,一般还要解决earthing的问题,如果线路没问题,检查earthing换unit需要一千多,如果线路有问题重新步线那就麻烦了。



