



怎么个验收法?不是都交钱了么?还是new home tour?


  1.   Get the mobile number of the site manager 
  2.   Check that the phone line has been installed 
  3.   Change your electricity and gas supplier from day one 
  4.   Check that, if you have one, your solar panel (sun tubes for hot water) is in good working order and switched on – this will save you about £400 per year off gas bill for heating water if you time it right.
  5.   Check the washing machine is connected to cold water 
  6.   Check all gas appliances physically work on the day you move in 
  7.   Go around all the elec. plugs with a lamp and check each and every one.
  8.   Check the garage door works and has no dents 
  9.   Check with someone else that all doors close and seal properly (with a torch in the dark) shining back through into prop.
  10. Don’t fill in the questionnaire from your developer until you are entirely satisfied – the questionnaire triggers bonus payments to their staff, they put pressure on for you to fill it in asap – so hold off until you are satisfied and you will have superman like strength over them – they will do anything.

  11. Check internal areas especially around roofs for saturated bricks, wet timber, this is a sure sign that the lead flashing, tiles, have leaked in the very heavy rain we have had.

  12. Ask developer for spare keys, especially for windows and garage doors – they never give you enough and frankly why should you pay.

  13. Check the letter box is sufficient

  14. Check your doorbell works.

  15. If you have one check the frame of your garage door has been painted.

  16. Check the automatic light sensor by front door is short enough only to come on for pedestrians, not passing vehicles. Most come on for passing vehicles and boost elec. bills.

  17. On door handles check that the little, tiny screws are present on the side of the handles – these stop the handle from moving, falling off and rattling – sounds minor.

  18. If your property is the last to be occupied on the street – all spares; dishwasher, cooker pieces, fridge pieces, will have be taken and may be not replaced – it’s the sort of thing you don’t realise for a couple of weeks.

  19. As mentioned check for scratches to windows, work tops, kitchen doors – you have seven days.

  20. Check the thermostat with a thermometer

  21. Double check the HW and Heating values on your water cylinder, actually work – we have had to have both replaced – if your boiler swiches on and of very quickly, constantly it’s the values.

  22. Check the water immersion element works

  23. Check you have all the manuals for all the appliances

  24. Check the serial numbers for all the appliances (if provided) tie up with the certificates in the manuals you will be given – if last house left on street and spares have been switched round they probably won’t – it’s a pain and doesn’t help when you come to register.

  25. Register your boiler for the 15 month guarantee – it’s free.

  26. Register all appliances so you have 12 months cover from the date you move in.

  27. Check if you are in a Neighbourhood Watch area – if so you will get a discount on your house insurance of say 10%

  28. Check for air bricks that are too low to the ground – we have had some stopped up as too close to the surface

  29. Check that the damp course is high enough

  30. On the day you move in – get developer to provide you with a skip and they will recycle rubbish and boxes – it saves a lot of time

  31. Check your council tax banding – you have six months from the point of moving in to appeal – if you part ex. a property – don’t appeal as chances are banding is based on sale price, not property price – you’ll save some cash.

  32. Check that the bottom part of the door threshold is solid, especially on front door and around any conservatory (if you have one)

  33. Check that if you have a garage and both light switches work and turn off the lights.

  34. Take off bath panels and shower panels and check for leaks when running – you won’t notice until there is a problem.

  35. Check that all external drain pipes actually run into the drains and no gaps for leaves exist – leaves in drains cause blockage – which as a householder we are liable for and you don’t realise until you have a problem

  36. On the plug and switch sockets – make sure you have caps for all the screw holes – you should not be able to see the screws.

  37. Check all rooms have underlay under carpets if provided

  38. Check radiator sizes – we found two rooms were cold because the radiators were too small – you don’t notice this in the summer

  39. Check that safety glass has been installed in Bathrooms especially shower enclosures

  40. Check safety glass has been used for any conservatory glass pieces.

  41. Check drains immediately in front of your property for any builders sand – the drains are generally constructed first and hence get filled up with rubbish

  42. Check painting of banisters – you may find developer have only done one side with top coat and the other side only in undercoat

  43. Get some Gardinier paint free (if they are still using this paint colour) from developer for touching up marks.

  44. Check painting of any external woodwork – sometimes not good enough

  45. Check concrete edges to any roof work for cracks

  46. Check wooden eave brackets (which overall hold roof up) which pertrude by eaves – you should not see bare wood or indeed yellow wood of any sort and these may need to be painted more than once (by a painter in a cradle)

  47. Check downpipes for drains from roof guttering have not slipped and so just below join from guttering to pipe there is no gap

  48. Likewise check all guttering is level so it allows water to drain away

  49. Check you have been given refuse bins by developer– they keep a store of these and should provide you with them from day one

  50. Check all silicone sealant and tile grout for any shrinkage.

  1. Google 一下网上很多免费的snug checklist
  2. 如果是比较正规的大的开发商,大问题像漏水什么的,不修完不complete, 小问题可以先拿钥匙。如果是小开发商,最好全修完再入住。新房入住半年内多多少少还会发现新的问题,我家反正有事都会派人来给修好了。
