ID 卡现在还没收到!?


不是说,收到护照后的7个 working days吗? 网上也没有电话号码可以查询,我该怎么办 :frowning:

这个礼拜还公众假日呢, 等等吧。然后再给HO打个电话咨询一下看他们是否已经寄出。

What should you do if your biometric residence permit is not delivered?
If you have not received your permit 10 working days after the date on your letter from us extending your permission to stay in the UK, you should email [email protected]. In your email you should state:

your full name;
your date of birth;
your nationality;
your passport number;
your case reference number;
the delivery address for the permit; and
a contact telephone number.
If you do not provide all this information, there may be a delay in answering your query.

You can also send this information by post to:

Returns Unit,
PO Box 163,
BS20 1AB

You cannot ask about undelivered permits in person at our public enquiry offices or biometric enrolment centres.

Courier deliveries

Your biometric residence permit will be securely delivered by courier to the address you have provided to us. When it is delivered, you must sign for it and show identification such as your passport or driving licence. If you are not present when the permit is delivered, the courier will leave a calling card containing contact details so you can rearrange delivery. You must contact the courier as soon as possible.

If you do not rearrange delivery, the courier will send you a reminder letter. If you still do not rearrange delivery of your permit, the courier will attempt a second delivery. If you are still not present and the courier cannot deliver your permit to you, the courier will notify us of the failed delivery.

We will then send a reminder letter to you advising you to contact the courier as soon as possible to rearrange delivery. We will hold your permit until you make contact to request delivery, or until it reaches its expiry date. If you do not contact us and your permit reaches its expiry date, it will be cancelled and destroyed. You will then have no permission to stay in the UK, and we will send another letter informing you that, if you intend to remain in the UK, you must make a new application for permission to stay and provide your biometric information.

公众假日?是bank holiday吗?我这等着回国呢。



谢谢啊,要说这10个working day也超过了呀,看来只有发email了。

我护照什么的还在律师那里,没拿回来。可现在等的也有10个working day了。

working day是指周一-周五,不包括周六,周日。LZ再算算,我刚才算了这才7天,不着急。


you’ll need to show id to sigh for the card. if you don’t have other form of id will need to get your passport back from your lawyer


对, 就是bank holiday, 你只要打个电话给移民局跟进你的签证签发办理的progress, 他们就会告诉你ID卡是否寄出。如果没说, 只说你的签证已经办理好了, visa也签发了, 你就跟他们提一下, 说你收到护照等其他资料回邮, 但是等了两三个礼拜还没等到ID卡, 是否还在处理当中?这样他们就会告诉你了。

没事的, 寄丢了他们会重新给你补发的。

请问楼主 收到ID没有 我的护照24号收到的 今天十月2号 也还没消息 而且 护照上的信 写着九月12就发出了 十个工作日 是从收到之日算起的吗?