
父亲是T1E头三年,母亲是dependent,孩子在这里出生四个月,准备申请英国dependent visa
关于IHS费用,用HO网页计算,有个问题 Are you under 18 and in local authority care? 如果选 yes就是0费用,如果no就是500帮

我们这种情况属于yes还是no呢?这个 local authority care 是啥呢?

You have to pay IHS for your child if you decide to apply a dependant visa for him/her.


You should pay the mount according to the calculator.

就是这个问题 Are you under 18 and in local authority care?我到底能不能选yes?选了就是0,不选就是500

楼主的英文堪忧呀,它问你你的孩子是不是当地(福利)机构收养的, 比如教堂,孤儿院等,你觉得是yes还是no?!
