请教大家交房时关于聘请independent inspection问题,附银子打赏啦

各位买房的前辈们,我有投资一间学生公寓,cash buy,也已经付清全部费用了,包括律师费和documents fee。
但是今天我收到律师发来的一封邮件问我要不要聘请自己的independent inspection, 请问大家有请过吗?因为在版上很少有看到这方面的问题,不知道是否真的要按照律师的建议做。下面是律师的邮件,给买过房的前辈们参考。
The purchase Contract provides that completion shall take place when the Contract Supervisor issues a Certificate that the premises are ready. We do not inspect the premises and rely entirely upon the Developers saying it is ready. The Contract does make provision for snagging and we do advise that you arrange your own independent inspection in this regard. We have retained a qualified Surveyor who is prepared to offer this service and attach his details. We have included in the completion statement his fee of £100 as an optional payment.



