11月4日Slough 考过,分享
https://lifeintheuktests.co.uk/ - 这个网站的题库很好,如果错误了可以有详细的解释
http://www.lifeintheuktestweb.co.uk/ - 这个网站上的study material,也就是电子书,与上一个网站的电子书相比更新了一些内容。比如英国宗教的划分统计,上面的一版是09年的数据,这个网站的数据是11年的。这个网站的题库也很好,但是错误的解释和界面没有上面的网站精细。
- 罗马人,维京人,征服者威廉部分,时间点和人物重点,还有那个刺绣
- 亨利VIII - 重中之重。朋友上月考试,三个题和他相关,其中6次结婚的内容考了两个题
- 英法百年战争,打败西班牙无敌舰队,滑铁卢战争等几个英国主要战争,时间和人物
- 政治体制,民主历程,女权,男女参选投票的年龄和进程,大宪章,光荣革命,君主立宪等等均为 重点
- 什么是United Kingdom, Great Britain, 海外领地等等题库里面经常考到的题,基本会考。 各国守护神,第一任坎特伯雷大主教,各国国花,国旗
- 体育,科技,文学等等的题目,例如人名和时间。如果复习时间或者精力有限,大概看看即可。这块信息量大,出的题不是很多。 考前感觉这块压力很大,但是考试的时候基本没有复杂的这类题出现。一个朋友前一段考试,也说只不过有一题出现了。
- Two things to be resident in the UK (4 options pick 2. look after area, obey the law )
- Boudicca 抗击谁
- Elizabeth I和Mary的关系
- Need to be 21 to server jury( true or false)
- St George’s Day, which day?
- Domesday Book
- Bayeux Tapestry
- 黑死病是不是在middle age发生的( true or false)
- 考题来自于书中middle age有这么一段,但是具体什么题想不起来了Some words in modern English – for example, ‘park’ and ‘beauty’ – are based on Norman French words. Others – for example, ‘apple’, ‘cow’ and ‘summer’ – are based on Anglo-Saxon words. In modern English there are often words with very similar meanings, one from French and one from Anglo-Saxon. ‘Demand’ (French) and ‘ask’ (Anglo-Saxon) are examples.
- 英格兰的国花 - Rose
- Henry VIII 一位妻子的题,具体忘了
- where was Shakespeare born (Stratford-upon-Avon)
- How many years have UK been a republic (11)
- Adam Smith - Economics
- Industrial Revolution - steam power
- Emmeline Pankhurst
- which year could women and men vote on age 21?
- Blitz
- the inventor of the World Wide Web - Sir Tim Berners-Lee
- The capital city of Scotland - Edinburgh
- The Commonwealth is an association of countries that support each other and work together towards shared goals in democracy and development. (true or false)
- If you think someone is trying to persuade you to join an extremist or terrorist cause, you should notify - Police
- what is Turner Prize - contemporary art