入籍还需要life in the uk test 吗?孩子有永居但在中国生活能申请入籍吗?

1。 申请永居的时候考过了,入籍的时候还需要吗? homeoffice 望站上是写要考的。也不记得以前申请永居的时候那张考试证书在哪里了。应该是交了但也没有退回来。可以要求退回来吗?

2。 我家孩子有永居了,如果他长期在中国生活,到时候还能申请入籍吗? 我考虑入籍。

3。 我看了home office 网站,说拿了citizenship 并不保证passport, 这是什么意思哦? :blush:


就你的life in the uk那一问题,你需要联系内政部。

  1. If I lose my results letter, can I get a replacement?

No. Your results letter is an important document. Please keep it safe as we will not replace it if you lose or damage it. If you lose your results letter, please contact the Home Office.




[quote=“ArinaR, post: 4, topic: 2398102”]
ArinaR 发表于 2013-11-14 04:30


mmigration time restrictions

You must be free from immigration time restrictions when you apply for naturalisation. Unless you are married to or the civil partner of a British citizen, you should have been free from immigration time restrictions during the last 12 months of the residential qualifying period.


Residential requirements
To demonstrate the residential requirements for naturalisation, you must have:

been resident in the UK for at least five years (this is known as the residential qualifying period); and
been present in the UK five years before the date of your application; and
not spent more than 450 days outside the UK during the five-year period; and
not spent more than 90 days outside the UK in the last 12 months of the five-year period; and
not been in breach of the Immigration Rules at any stage during the five-year period.

護照要另外申請… 要到郵局拿申請表.

需要life in uk,找不到纸了要重考,当时应该都退给你了。
